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Thread 'Progress resets'

Questions and Answers : Getting started : Progress resets
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Message 22392 - Posted: 25 Apr 2006, 17:18:22 UTC

Every time I restart my computer, the project progress resets to 0%. I\'ve been running this for quite awile now and work done says 18144.0 average work 291.25 and progress 8.13%.
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ProfilePooh Bear 27

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Message 22394 - Posted: 25 Apr 2006, 17:38:03 UTC

Most projects go to 0 at the reset of the computer, it takes time to calculate the percentage done, and since CPDN is so big, it takes quite a while before it will show the true percent done. This is normal.

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Message 22397 - Posted: 25 Apr 2006, 19:52:10 UTC

There are a small number of machines which do crash their models on shutdown, if you think yours may be one of these then try right-clicking on the icon and selecting \'exit\' before shutting down your PC.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 22398 - Posted: 25 Apr 2006, 20:55:03 UTC
Last modified: 25 Apr 2006, 20:59:47 UTC


I think your problem may be that you\'re not running the computer for long enough to reach the point at which the model\'s data is saved. So the only re-start point is at the beginning.

But the REALLY bad news is that the slab models that you have been trying to run became obsolete late last year. There is just no point in running them.

If you leave your computer running for e.g. 6 hours or more at a time, then you may be able to run the new Coupled Ocean models. But these are much longer than the slab models, (160 model years), and take several months running 24/7.

And if you do want to continue, and you\'re still using a version 4.* of BOINC, you *MUST* use Windows uninstall to remove it, and then download the latest 5.* version. The new models won\'t run with 4.* versions.

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Message 22592 - Posted: 3 May 2006, 15:44:58 UTC - in response to Message 22398.  


I think your problem may be that you\'re not running the computer for long enough to reach the point at which the model\'s data is saved. So the only re-start point is at the beginning.

But the REALLY bad news is that the slab models that you have been trying to run became obsolete late last year. There is just no point in running them.

If you leave your computer running for e.g. 6 hours or more at a time, then you may be able to run the new Coupled Ocean models. But these are much longer than the slab models, (160 model years), and take several months running 24/7.

And if you do want to continue, and you\'re still using a version 4.* of BOINC, you *MUST* use Windows uninstall to remove it, and then download the latest 5.* version. The new models won\'t run with 4.* versions.

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Message 22593 - Posted: 3 May 2006, 15:49:29 UTC - in response to Message 22592.  


I think your problem may be that you\'re not running the computer for long enough to reach the point at which the model\'s data is saved. So the only re-start point is at the beginning.

But the REALLY bad news is that the slab models that you have been trying to run became obsolete late last year. There is just no point in running them.

If you leave your computer running for e.g. 6 hours or more at a time, then you may be able to run the new Coupled Ocean models. But these are much longer than the slab models, (160 model years), and take several months running 24/7.

And if you do want to continue, and you\'re still using a version 4.* of BOINC, you *MUST* use Windows uninstall to remove it, and then download the latest 5.* version. The new models won\'t run with 4.* versions.

Sorry, I erred in this post -- I didn\'t add my own comments before clicking \"post.\" No way to undo.

I am having, perhaps, a similar problem. I crashed a few models last week, but finally got going and have now roughly 110 hours CPU on a model. (About 4% completion.) However, there\'s no indication of this progress in my \"statistics\"-- no credit, etc. I\'m concerned that something is getting lost. I have had successful trickles, so there is communication going on.

ID: 22593 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Les Bayliss
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Message 22594 - Posted: 3 May 2006, 16:19:13 UTC

Please be patient. The new server is still trying to catch up.
This has been posted all over the place, but you\'ll have to search the boards yourself, as I\'m not up to typing it over and over.

ID: 22594 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Getting started : Progress resets
