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Thread 'Delete or rename my account please.'

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Message 26537 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 5:43:45 UTC

I just signed on to this site. The instructions said that my computer details would be published, fine. As long as I am anonoymous. But when it asked for my name, it ignored what I enterred and defaulted back to my username. Maybe it\'s because I chose a name already used, but it should have just repompted me. Also the computer stats give away both the username and computer name which are both identifying.

I can find no way to change my name or delete my account.

I am still interested in the project, but I will not participate until this is fixed. It is unacceptable for this to give away my name (with detailed computer description attached) when it said it wouldn\'t.

I request that this account be either be deleted or renamed. Someone should check if it is a bug that led to this happening.
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Message 26538 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 5:55:03 UTC

Mods can neither delete nor rename an account.

If you\'d used proper log-in procedure, you\'d have used a \"nickname\", as I have (though both my name and location are commonly known on the Boards) and would not have a problem. Tens of thousands have done that.

I truly don\'t know or understand your problem. There is nothing publicly available, even to Mods, that compromises you. Besides, you COULD have hidden your computer ID, but you didn\'t...

Please be more explicit in defining your issue(s).

"We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo
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Message 26539 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 6:11:02 UTC - in response to Message 26538.  

After installation, I got sent to this site and was asked for username, password, email, etc. The username had already been entered in the textbox as \"Baxters\" (this is my Windows username). I changed it to a nickname. I pressed OK, or whatever it was, but on the next page my username was \"Baxters\" and not the nickname I had chosen. I have not found any way to change my username since.

After checking what info on my computer is publicly available, I found that it does not show my windows username or computer name. That\'s good, that\'s fine. But I still wish to use a nickname, as I selected originally.

Interestingly there exists another user with exactly the same username as myself. But noone is using the nickname that I wanted.

If Forum admins can\'t do this, do you know who can or if there is a way for me to do it?
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Message 26540 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 6:39:37 UTC

Have you tried the available Board options in \"Your account\"/\"Other account info\"? The name option?

One wonders at your penchant for secrecy. One hopes that you are using your own computer or that you have permission to use a work or school machine. To use a machine not yours without permission violates the agreement you make when undertaking this Project.

Frankly, I still don\'t understand the problem. Folks don\'t \"get sent to this site\" unless they register. Folks don\'t get CPDN Models (as you have) unless they attached to the Project.

As to duplicate names, we have a plethora of Owner/Administrator/etc. All we can do is sigh.

"We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo
Greetings from coastal Washington state, the scenic US Pacific Northwest.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 26541 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 6:47:11 UTC
Last modified: 3 Feb 2007, 6:48:43 UTC

If you want it changed, then change it yourself.
The option is under: Change email address | password | other account info, and is near the top of the page called: Your Account, which is accessable in several ways, including by clicking on your name to the left of here. It\'s the \"other account info\", which is where you also change your email address if/when you change ISPs.

The name a person enters is often changed by the server software, (not sure if it is ALWAYS), and ends up as the same name as that used for their user name on the computer when they installed the operating system.

Which is why there are lots of: Dads, Compag_user, HP_user, Administrator, etc.

You can change your name every day if you want to. We\'ll know you by your ID number: 429023.

Bet me to it again Astro. :)

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Message 26542 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 7:00:00 UTC
Last modified: 3 Feb 2007, 7:03:06 UTC

Heh. No sweat, Les, usually you beat me to the draw; it all advances Aussie/Yank cooperation, eh?

Hope the smoke has abated down your way.

"We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo
Greetings from coastal Washington state, the scenic US Pacific Northwest.
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Message 26544 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 7:50:56 UTC

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Message 26546 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 7:57:21 UTC

Is that you, Chrissy?

Whomever, welcome aboard.

"We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo
Greetings from coastal Washington state, the scenic US Pacific Northwest.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 26549 - Posted: 3 Feb 2007, 8:25:26 UTC
Last modified: 3 Feb 2007, 8:25:59 UTC

No, that\'s 429023.

I\'d forgotten about the fires and smoke. Now it\'s floods across the Top End.
Some towns have been cut off for 2 weeks, and a trough in the Gulf is trying to turn into a cyclone.
It looks like The Wet has finally arrived.
I\'ll post more on the php boards.

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Message 26715 - Posted: 10 Feb 2007, 23:13:32 UTC - in response to Message 26538.  

Mods can neither delete nor rename an account.

If you\'d used proper log-in procedure, you\'d have used a \"nickname\", as I have (though both my name and location are commonly known on the Boards) and would not have a problem. Tens of thousands have done that.

I truly don\'t know or understand your problem. There is nothing publicly available, even to Mods, that compromises you. Besides, you COULD have hidden your computer ID, but you didn\'t...

Please be more explicit in defining your issue(s).

There is a problem with the latest version of BOINC.

I downloaded the latest version today 10/02/2007 and went through the registration process on a computer that had been running the BBC Climate Change Experiment.
I entered my account details as before with the nickname of Dick The Taxi but it created an new account in the name of Richard Hibberd with a joining date of today instead of 15/02/2006, my input data was ignored, my credits from the BBC experiment were also ignored. As well as ignoring the input data it did not recognise my other two computers.
I have no problem with people knowing my name as you can see but prefer the nickname.
I have now solved the problem temporarily by using Windows Restore. I removed the new version and used the restore point immediately prior to the update and hey presto I now have my identity and credits back, all three of my computers show and the old version started up where it left off meaning I only lost around an hour of computing time.
When the problem is solved I may try again but the old version works fine plus it does not limit the ammount of memory etc that I can allocate.

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Les Bayliss
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Message 26716 - Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 0:40:17 UTC
Last modified: 11 Feb 2007, 0:41:40 UTC

The BBC project is separate to the cpdn project, and the credits and models will be listed separately.

If you still want to see the BBC models in the same folder as the cpdn models, then you MUST make sure that you install the new version of BOINC in the same folder as the BBC models.
This should be automatic with BOINC version 5.8.8 from what I\'ve heard, but is a manual choice with the installation of all other versions.

This, (cpdn), site being separate to BBC, of course you\'ll have a new account.
And the name used is taken by the software from the name that you used when you set up Windows on your computer.
The only time that this doesn\'t happen, is when you use your web browser to create the account here, in which case the name that you specify is used.

The user name along with a lot of other details can be changed by the user, by going into their Account page and using the change options near the top.

Finally, if you read my post about moving to cpdn, which was linked to from all of the main topics on the BBC boards, you can see that an Account has already been created for all BBC people by one of the programmers.
All that was/is necessary, is to use: Existing user, when asked, and fill in the user_name/email_address that was used on the BBC, and you\'re there.

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Message 26721 - Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 12:02:07 UTC - in response to Message 26716.  

The BBC project is separate to the cpdn project, and the credits and models will be listed separately.

If you still want to see the BBC models in the same folder as the cpdn models, then you MUST make sure that you install the new version of BOINC in the same folder as the BBC models.
This should be automatic with BOINC version 5.8.8 from what I\'ve heard, but is a manual choice with the installation of all other versions.

This, (cpdn), site being separate to BBC, of course you\'ll have a new account.
And the name used is taken by the software from the name that you used when you set up Windows on your computer.
The only time that this doesn\'t happen, is when you use your web browser to create the account here, in which case the name that you specify is used.

The user name along with a lot of other details can be changed by the user, by going into their Account page and using the change options near the top.

Finally, if you read my post about moving to cpdn, which was linked to from all of the main topics on the BBC boards, you can see that an Account has already been created for all BBC people by one of the programmers.
All that was/is necessary, is to use: Existing user, when asked, and fill in the user_name/email_address that was used on the BBC, and you\'re there.

It was BOINC version 5.8.8 that I installed and it did NOT install in the manner you suggest should be automatic.
Via my Netscape browser I went to the Berkeley site and downloaded the latest version. I accepted the download location suggested. I also entered my nickname and attached to
The end result was a new account in a name I did not enter.

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Les Bayliss
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Message 26727 - Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 13:33:49 UTC

It\'s interesting that 5.8.8 didn\'t look for the existing location of an earlier version of BOINC, as, according to the \'talk\' on the BOINC/dev board, it should have. I\'ve no personal knowledge of 5.8.8.
The default location for BOINC is different to the \"BBC\" location.

As for attaching to cpdn, did you do this as an \"existing account\", (which had already been created for you), or as a \"new user\"?

This is my post about how to move from BBC to cpdn, which I forgot to include last time.

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Message 26731 - Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 19:30:33 UTC - in response to Message 26727.  

It\'s interesting that 5.8.8 didn\'t look for the existing location of an earlier version of BOINC, as, according to the \'talk\' on the BOINC/dev board, it should have. I\'ve no personal knowledge of 5.8.8.
The default location for BOINC is different to the \"BBC\" location.

As for attaching to cpdn, did you do this as an \"existing account\", (which had already been created for you), or as a \"new user\"?

This is my post about how to move from BBC to cpdn, which I forgot to include last time.

The 5.8.x versions will find the existing location of a 5.8.x install. They are also supposed to move the BBC folder to the proper place if it exists, I have not tried that personally though.

BOINCing since 2002/12/8
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Message 26759 - Posted: 13 Feb 2007, 0:04:32 UTC - in response to Message 26727.  

It\'s interesting that 5.8.8 didn\'t look for the existing location of an earlier version of BOINC, as, according to the \'talk\' on the BOINC/dev board, it should have. I\'ve no personal knowledge of 5.8.8.
The default location for BOINC is different to the \"BBC\" location.

As for attaching to cpdn, did you do this as an \"existing account\", (which had already been created for you), or as a \"new user\"?

This is my post about how to move from BBC to cpdn, which I forgot to include last time.

When I left the BBC Experiment a couple of weeks ago the changeover was as you suggest seamless and impressed me with it\'s simplicity, just cut and paste in the URL and it transfered all my BBC stats and carried over my ID as shown previously. So far so good.
I then decided to try the new version 5.8.8 that the message said was available so stripped out the old 5.3.19 version and went to the Berkeley site and downloaded 5.8.8.
From what you have said it would have looked for the old folder and not found it so it would then progress as a new install.
That however does not explain why when I put in my nickname Dick The Taxi it came up as Richard Hibberd. The only thing that now springs to mind is the advice in your earlier post to wait for maybe a day or two after update to see if it shows then.
Maybe I will give it another go one day but I\'ve got 5.3.19 back using the system restore point set up prior to it\'s removal and all is working fine.
I did like the new BOINC Manager layout and thought it a great improvement on earlier versions. However I was not too keen on being limited to how much memory I could allocate when idle, and the 50% I think it was that was allowed when doing other work. True it may stop computers with limited ram from slowing down too much, which is I imagine why it was done, but it does limit other users options. I\'ve got 6gigs on the one machine and 1% of that when idle is more than enough.
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Message 26782 - Posted: 13 Feb 2007, 23:45:09 UTC

so stripped out the old 5.3.19 version and went to the Berkeley site and downloaded 5.8.8.

I think that explains why 5.8.8 couldn\'t find a boinc installation.

"We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo
Greetings from coastal Washington state, the scenic US Pacific Northwest.
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Message 29370 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 20:26:00 UTC

I have the same problem after upgrading to 5.8.16 from BBC. I now have 2 names on the 1 account and the new name account shows this message as the header:-

Warning: fopen(../cache/fe/show_user.php_userid%3D458249)[function.fopen]: failed to open stream:
No such file or directory in /var/www/boinc/projects/cpdnboinc/html/inc/ on line 220

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in
/var/www/boinc/projects/cpdnboinc/html/inc/ on line 221

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in
/var/www/boinc/projects/cpdnboinc/html/inc/ on line 222

I now have 2 names using the same computer in the same folder and cannot access the new name account to alter it because it just reverts to my original name!

Crunching for Natures Team
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Message 29372 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 20:57:27 UTC

LogPile, when did you switch from BBC to cpdn?
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Message 29373 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 21:04:03 UTC - in response to Message 29372.  

LogPile, when did you switch from BBC to cpdn?

2 Days ago in the evening. I first reqistered here back in Feb under LogPile.
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Les Bayliss
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Message 29375 - Posted: 29 Jun 2007, 22:14:36 UTC
Last modified: 29 Jun 2007, 22:15:16 UTC

There have been a few residual problems from moving the huge database over to the new hard disks; some posts are missing, and, from what I can figure out from posts on the other board, some user names as well.

You may have been caught up in this.
I may have to do a lot of thinking about this.

To start with: Do you have a copy of the other ID in one of the files?
Also, it may be possible to get to the other account by getting rid of cookies for this site.

And another way may be to logout (on your Account page), and THEN login.
(Perhaps both of these steps together.)

Make sure that you have details written down. (User name / password / authentification number - you can get this as a copy and paste from near the top of a file in the BOINC folder:

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