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ProfilePatrick Vanreck

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Message 27084 - Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 2:14:50 UTC

Hallo an alle!

Bin gerade neu in diesem Forum. Bin erstaunnt über die Anzahl Benutzer/Rechner in diesem Grid. Finde es eine geniale Sache. Viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz...


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Message 27108 - Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 20:10:03 UTC

Und herzliche Grüsse aus England. Wilkommen.
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Message 27143 - Posted: 1 Mar 2007, 16:20:01 UTC
Last modified: 1 Mar 2007, 16:21:59 UTC

Hallo Patrik!

Herlzliche Grüsse aus Peterhead, Schottland!

Graham A. Smith.

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Message 27206 - Posted: 8 Mar 2007, 1:22:41 UTC - in response to Message 27084.  

Grüße auch von Seattle USA. Willkommen zu unserer wenig Gemeinschaft.


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Message 27208 - Posted: 8 Mar 2007, 2:03:52 UTC
Last modified: 8 Mar 2007, 2:05:26 UTC

Well, I was beginning to think this forum had died!

Gruezi, Patrick!

And hi md3 - what a lot of people from Washington State seem to be involved in this project ;-) Beautiful part of the world, which I visited a couple of years ago.

Hello Graham, nice to meet a team-mate!

And always a pleasure to meet you, Mo!
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Message 27210 - Posted: 8 Mar 2007, 3:06:51 UTC
Last modified: 8 Mar 2007, 3:08:23 UTC

Graham, I hope you’ll revisit this thread because I’ve just read your profile and I do agree with you about results info being hard to find in CPDN . I’ve been trying to find my way around the results, both to help team Scotland members to transfer to CPDN and to continue marking individual milestones for my team-mates as I’ve been doing in BBC.

Iain, our team statistician magician, hopes eventually to produce team statistics for CPDN as he did for BBC, so that we can easily see our own results (your page is here) and link to the BBC results pages. Meantime, here’s a link to your CPDN results – if you add it to your “Favorites”, you can access it more easily.

And I thought you might be interested to see this page too.

In return for all of which, would you like to tell me something about the stunning mountain and lake/loch photo in your profile please?

Best wishes,

Visit the Scotland team
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Message 27216 - Posted: 8 Mar 2007, 7:49:54 UTC - in response to Message 27210.  

Graham, I hope you’ll revisit this thread because I’ve just read your profile and I do agree with you about results info being hard to find in CPDN . I’ve been trying to find my way around the results, both to help team Scotland members to transfer to CPDN and to continue marking individual milestones for my team-mates as I’ve been doing in BBC.

Iain, our team statistician magician, hopes eventually to produce team statistics for CPDN as he did for BBC, so that we can easily see our own results (your page is here) and link to the BBC results pages. Meantime, here’s a link to your CPDN results – if you add it to your “Favorites”, you can access it more easily.

And I thought you might be interested to see this page too.

In return for all of which, would you like to tell me something about the stunning mountain and lake/loch photo in your profile please?

Best wishes,


TO: MM, Strathpeffer Pavillion:

Hi MM, Styrathpeffer Pavillion!

I hope this is the correct way to reply; the things I expect to happen when clicking on \"Reply to this post\" don\'t seem to be working! Anyway, I guess you\'ll receive it somehow.

Many thanks for your communication; I was trying to search (without success) for a reply from \"Newbie Patrick Vanreck\" from Switzerland, when I noticed your message to me; maybe he\'s also having difficulty navigating the CPDC website!

I have put all the links you kindly supplied into my Favourites file; I never even knew they existed, and for once I now have some really useful (and understandable) graphs etc.

As for the pic, it\'s from a set of four Scottish postcard views I received free with (I think) the Scotland on Sunday newspaper, which together with The Scotsman (I only buy the latter on Saturdays) I also purchase The Mail on Sunday, but mainly for the competition crosswords, which seems to be an addiction with me! I have won a number of bottles of \"the hard stuff\" (\"Mountain Dew\"?) as well as few quite expensive dictionaries.

Re the Scottish view, the one I have on my profile webpage is that of \"Blue skies over Buachaille Etive Mor, at the southern tip of Glencoe\"; fortunately (according to The Scotsman Photo Gallery - - it isn\'t marked \"Copyright\", so I guess The Scotsman won\'t get on to me for publishing it on CPDC! I still have the three others that you may like to view, including one of the golfer Jack Nicklaus posing on an attractive small bridge over a stream (\"burn\" to us) in the grounds of St Andrews golf course; I seem to remember you publishing something on the subject of golf a few days ago (not that I have the slightest interest in the subject)! If you\'d like to supply me with an e-mail address, I\'d be glad to send you the rest of these images; my e-mail address is I can hardly publish them all on my CPDC profile page as they would surely take up too much file space, and with the pic I already published, it took me ages to find the best way of keeping the file size to 50k or lower, as requested by CPDC.

Well, it would be nice to hear from you again, and I hope you find the above information useful.

Best regards!

Graham A. Smith.

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Message 27224 - Posted: 8 Mar 2007, 19:34:19 UTC
Last modified: 8 Mar 2007, 19:48:45 UTC

Hello again Graham, I did indeed find your message (obviously!), thank you. . When you post a message, either here or in the BBC forum, if you would like to know when someone replies to it, you can click on \"subscribe to this thread\" at the top of the page and you will receive an e-mail when anyone else posts in the same thread (you can then \"unsubsribe\" any time you like). (In contrast, when you post in php forums, like the Scottish forum or the CPDN \"Oxford boards\", you are automatically \"subscribed\" to that thread unless you choose not to be.)

Re \"the correct way to reply\" - you were perhaps caught out (as I have often been) by the positioning of \"Reply to this post\" - you use the one below the post you\'re replying to, rather than the one above. By the way, this automatically means that the text of the post you\'re replying to is repeated - if you don\'t want to do that, you can select \"Reply to this thread\" at the top of the page instead!

There\'s no way of telling whether Patrick from Switzerland has seen the various replies people made to his message, but you can find all his posts (he\'s currently only made two) by clicking on his name to the left of his message, then clicking on the number shown against \"message board posts\" in his details.

I am sorry you didn\'t know all those stats existed, particularly as you\'ve been a member of team Scotland for a while now and we have particularly good team stats, thanks to the wonderful Iain Inglis. You might like to take a look at them in more detail - the team stats home page is here and, if you click on \"Member Credit\" in the menu, you\'ll find a list of members arranged in order of their current lead model - but you can sort it in various ways by clicking on the relevant column heading, and you\'ll find you\'re very high up the lists of completed models, total credits and model years \"crunched\" - you used to be high in RAC (recent average credit) order too but of course (like our other top \"crunchers\"), your BBC RAC is now dropping as your CPDN RAC increases. As mentioned in my earlier post, Iain hopes to find time to produce similar stats pages for CPDN at some point (which will be a great relief to me - but hey no pressure, Iain, really!

Thank you for info about the super photo in your profile - I should have recognised the distinctive pyramidal shape of Buachaille Etive Mor (the big shepherd of Etive) but the water confused me - presumably it\'s the river Etive rather than a loch, looks like the photographer was standing in the middle of it!

You can certainly e-mail me the other photos in the set if you like (I\'ll e-mail you my e-address rather than posting it here) but I hope you\'ll consider joining the Scottish forum and posting them there? It\'s a nice friendly place, I\'m sure you would find the company congenial, other members of the team would like to meet you, and everyone likes to see good photographs, especially of Scotland. (I surmise that you must at least visit the forum sometimes because I\'m pretty sure that\'s the only place where I\'ve recently posted anything about golf! My primary interest in the Strathpeffer golf course is that it\'s very scenic and a great place for a walk, preferably with a camera!) If you do drop in there from time to time, I hope you saw the place where we celebrated your 3rd and 4th BBC models?

Best regards, SP (as I seem to have been dubbed in the various climate change forums - quicker to type than Strathpeffer Pavilion!)
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Message 27231 - Posted: 8 Mar 2007, 23:54:05 UTC - in response to Message 27224.  
Last modified: 8 Mar 2007, 23:55:01 UTC

[Strathpeffer Pavilion wrote]...As mentioned in my earlier post, Iain hopes to find time to produce similar stats pages for CPDN at some point (which will be a great relief to me - but hey no pressure, Iain, really! ...


If you could arrange for government fund allocations to cross FY boundaries, it would all be there! Alas, the bills have to be paid ...


PS Unlike the CO2 bills, of course - which are conveniently paid by other people ...

PPS Here\'s to April 6!
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Message 27233 - Posted: 9 Mar 2007, 0:06:17 UTC

Oops, spotted! I did say you were wonderful though, and I\'m not applying any pressure, just indulging in some wishful thinking!

Best regards, SP (or PS or PPS, this could get a bit confusing LOL)
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Message 27277 - Posted: 11 Mar 2007, 13:03:53 UTC

Graham, sorry didn\'t have time to do anything on Friday but I\'ve now started a new thread here and copied our most recent exchange into it - Les perhaps you could therefore delete those posts from here? Many thanks.
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