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Send message Joined: 16 Oct 04 Posts: 692 Credit: 277,679 RAC: 0 |
On the science side, reasearch obviously continues. There is a further paper on the topic of calculating Jeffreys\' Priors for climate models recently made available on Arxiv. Objective Probabilistic Forecasts of Future Climate Based on Jeffreys’ Prior: the Case of Correlated Observables Stephen Jewson, Dan Rowlands, Myles Allen The abstract of this and the earlier paper on which this is expanding are quoted below. The papers linked particularly the recent one may well be considered rather technical rather than interesting bedtime reading. To attempt an introduction to what these papers are about: A 2005 paper: Constraining climate forecasts: The role of prior assumptions discussed the problem of how producing a probability from an ensembles of models is complicated by the way parameter space is sampled. Spacing the samples equally distanced in climate sensitivity will yield different probablities than if the samples are equally distanced apart in another plausible way such as feedback (proportional to 1/sensitivity). The key feature of a Jeffreys_prior is that it is invariant under such reparameterizations. Abstracts To include parameter uncertainty into probabilistic climate forecasts one must first specify a prior. The previous work was A new method for making objective probabilistic climate forecasts from numerical climate models based on Jeffreys\' Prior Stephen Jewson, Dan Rowlands, Myles Allen We argue that it would be desirable to use Jeffreys’ priors in the construction of numerical model If you want to discuss these Jeffreys\' priors papers, can I suggest this thread or create one on this board. Visit BOINC WIKI for help And join BOINC Synergy for all the news in one place. |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 31 Oct 04 Posts: 336 Credit: 3,316,482 RAC: 0 |
Die CPDN-BOINC-Seiten (z.B. auch unsere Teilnehmer-Konten-Details) können auch in anderen Sprachen als nur Englisch angezeigt werden. Dafür wurde jetzt ein Link zur Sprachauswahl-Seite zum blauen Menue (links) der BOINC-Seiten hinzugefügt. Dieser Link führt direkt zur Sprachauswahl (nicht alle wählbaren Übersetzungen sind gleichermassen vollständig). Wichtig : Nachdem bei CPDN das letzte BOINC-Update durchgeführt wurde, gab es ziemlich heftige Probleme mit der deutschen Übersetzung, speziell in den Projekteinstellungen, der zweite Menuepunkt lautete fälschlich "GPU verwenden", das wurde jetzt korrigiert zu "CPU verwenden". Diejenigen von Euch, die dort zwischenzeitlich ein "Nein" eingestellt haben, müssten es wahrscheinlich wieder auf "Ja" ändern, damit sie wieder Arbeit bekommen. Die Übersetzungsfehler waren Folge eines Problems mit der Sprachdatei beim BOINC-Update. |
Send message Joined: 31 Oct 04 Posts: 336 Credit: 3,316,482 RAC: 0 |
We can view our CPDN account details in some other languages instead of English. There is now a link to the language selection page in the blue menu. This is the selection. Some translations are more complete than others. When CPDN upgraded its version of Boinc at the beginning of June there was a serious error in the German translation of the second item in the ClimatePrediction preferences of our accounts. It said GPU. Now it correctly says Use CPU. If you edited this second preference and answered No, your computer(s) cannot download new work for CPDN. Some German-speaking members may need to edit this answer which must say Yes. The error in the translation happened because of an accident with the file. |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
CPDN with Windows and Boinc service (protected) installation If your computer has
Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 5 Aug 04 Posts: 1283 Credit: 15,824,334 RAC: 0 |
FAMOUS v6.11 MILLENNIUM models An updated version of the FAMOUS application was released yesterday. The only change from v6.10 is the addition of the enhanced graphics developed in conjunction with Sony Labs in Paris. The model processing is unchanged and we would encourage users to continue running any v6.10 tasks to completion. Please note that a problem with the mirroring of the application files was causing a third of download attempts for the new version to fail. This has now been fixed. Apologies to those who were affected. "The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Send message Joined: 16 Jan 10 Posts: 1084 Credit: 7,904,898 RAC: 2,026 |
There are two CPDN news announcements, which subscribers to the RSS feed may already have seen: Myles Allen wins the Appleton Medal Retirement of HadSM3 and HadAM3P models |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
CPDN logo mugs You may have seen from the news on the index page that logo + globe mugs are now available from the CafePress shop. I have one and like it. The cost of shipping is the same whether one orders one mug or more. Each purchase will provide US$2 profit towards CPDN's operating costs. Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
Geoengineering experiment Many members ran HadCM models for the CPDN Geoengineering experiment. Nature has published a letter (short article) about the experiment's results. The abstract is here: Regional climate response to solar-radiation management by Katharine Ricke and M. Granger Morgan of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and Myles Allen of CPDN at the University of Oxford. The potential political implications of their findings are significant. There is a forum thread about this publication with further links here. Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
Members who ran HadSM models while they were available may be interested to read Iain Inglis's final analysis of the geographical distribution of 'iceworlds' here. Reminder: If you are still running a HadSM or HadSMMH model, please look at its graphics every two or three days if possible to check that its globe shows all the colours. A single colour for the whole globe means that an iceworld has developed and the model should be aborted. Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
FAMOUS_s3 models A batch of 599-799 FAMOUS models has been released with s3 in their names. They are for a specific study. The greenhouse gas forcing (effect on the climate) is kept constant for the first 30 years during which the model graphs should only show small fluctuations. In 630AD the greenhouse gases (ghg) are halved in one step; the parameter says ghg_stp_half. Here is one such model. Or the ghg value is doubled in one step. The parameter says ghg_stp_dble. Look at one model's graph. These models invent hypothetical changes to study the effects. They do not simulate a real sudden climate change in the year 630. The FAMOUS graphs were developed at Sony CSL in Paris by Peter Hanappe, Anthony Beurive who is an open source developer and Laurent Saifre, a student who made the initial version of advected texture cloud graphics. As usual, Tolu makes them run on all our home computers. Thank you to all these developers. Reminder: You can see your own tasks in your account. Click on the Tasks link to see your models. Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 5 Aug 04 Posts: 1496 Credit: 95,522,203 RAC: 0 |
Tolu is leaving CPDN for another post. Hiro's announcement here: "We have met the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo Greetings from coastal Washington state, the scenic US Pacific Northwest. |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
HadAM3P regional models There is now an explanation of the Regional Experiment in the Experiments section of the ClimatePrediction website. You can read about how a small part of the Earth is modelled at higher resolution than CPDN has ever achieved before while incorporating global data. There are three different groups of researchers for the Pacific North West, Europe and Southern Africa models. In the Climateprediction preferences in your account you can if you wish select one or more of these regions. Read more here. Reminder: HadAM3P models are memory-intensive. If a multicore computer runs a full load of them simultaneously they will probably slow each other down. Try to run some FAMOUS alongside them. Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
CPDN main project CPDN Geoengineering Experiment Many of us ran 80-year 2000 - 2080 HadCM3L models for the Geoengineering Experiment which is a joint project for Oxford University and Carnegie-Mellon University in the US. Kate Ricke and Daniel Rowlands now need more of these models for an extension to this experiment, described in an extra paragraph which has been added at the end of the Geoengineering Experiment page. Milo posted a link to a first publication about this experiment here. A small number of these HadCM models have already been released on CPDN and if they run well more will follow. These are long models. You can select or deselect them by editing the preferences in your account. HadSM is fairly long, though not as long as HadCM3L. If you prefer shorter models select HadAM3P EUR, SAF or EUR (though none are available at the moment) and FAMOUS. Check the Server status page for current model availability. Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 5 Aug 04 Posts: 1283 Credit: 15,824,334 RAC: 0 |
CPDN main project Milo has configured the server to prevent creation or modification of profiles unless you have a recent average credit of at least 5. This has been done to stop a bot which has been automatically creating accounts with spam profiles. "The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
Apologies for not posting an announcement about this earlier on this forum. WeatherAtHome CPDN launched this initiative with the three regional models on 17 November. Read about it on the Guardian website here where CPDN researcher Sue Rosier explains how these models can be used to show extreme weather events in much greater detail than with global models. You can watch a short video of Sue describing the WeatherAtHome initiative here. There is also a description of WeatherAtHome on the CPDN website where you will see that research groups from three countries will be involved in analysing the regional model results. WeatherAtHome is not a new Boinc project. It is an initiative within the existing CPDN project. It is aimed only at new members who want to run the regional models. What does WeatherAtHome consist of for its new crunchers? 1. It has a special registration page. This enables people to choose the regional model type they want before they join the project. Normally when one joins a Boinc project the first task one receives is sent at random from all the types available on the project server. Existing members do not need to do this. We can select and change the model types we want by editing the Preferences in our account. A link to our account is in the blue menu on the left side of this page. We can see which model types are currently available for our computer by looking at the links to the Server Status page and the Applications page. 2. New members who join CPDN through the WeatherAtHome registration page will receive a Boinc version pre-configured differently from usual. CPU usage is set at 60%, not the usual 100%. This is to protect computers that have limited memory/RAM because the regional models are memory-intensive. It also protects laptops from overheating. Existing members do not need this specially-configured version of Boinc. In our CPDN account in the Computing Preferences we can change the CPU usage for all our computers on all projects. If we want to vary the CPU usage for an individual computer we can open its Boinc manager and in the Advanced menu > Preferences > Processor usage we can change the settings. Edit: Milo, our programmer, has told me that this 60% CPU usage preconfiguration for WeatherAtHome members did not work. It is set as 100% as the default for everyone. If you have a laptop we advise you to reduce this 100% value either in the Boinc manager Advanced menu > Preferences > Processor usage, or in the Computing Preferences in your account. And when using a laptop always raise its little feet to increase air flow and cooling. 3. At the moment WeatherAtHome members can only receive the regional models for Windows. Versions for Linux and Mac may be made available later. Existing CPDN members do not need this Windows restriction. Although the regional models are only available for CPDN members with Windows at the moment, members with Linux or Mac can run HadCM (which is much longer) for the Geoengineering experiment or FAMOUS for the Millennium experiment. 4. WeatherAtHome members can of course also change the settings in their accounts, for example for CPU usage or to select different model types. Welcome to all the new WeatherAtHome members. Existing members should not rejoin CPDN through WeatherAtHome. Please complete all your current models which will all be used. Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 5 Aug 04 Posts: 1283 Credit: 15,824,334 RAC: 0 |
CPDN WeatherAtHome HadAM3P Regional Models This is an updated version of the post made when the HadAM3P regional models were released on CPDN 3 months ago to clarify the current lack of applications for Linux and Mac and the name change for the Western United States region (from Pacific North West). These models all consist of a HadAM3P global model coupled with a higher resolution regional model and run for one model year. The regions covered are Europe, Western US and Southern Africa.
"The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
Neil Massey, who is one of the CPDN researchers, has said in the Independent Forum News: Milo's last day Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 29 Sep 04 Posts: 2363 Credit: 14,611,758 RAC: 0 |
Yesterday Sue Rosier, one of the CPDN researchers, posted in the News thread of the independent forum: Well as you are no doubt aware, today is the 1st of December, which also means it is CPDN's first day without either Tolu or Milo, so I thought I might take a moment to send a bit of an update about recent happenings at CPDN. Cpdn news |
Send message Joined: 2 Mar 06 Posts: 253 Credit: 363,646 RAC: 0 |
Here's a message from Pardeep: ----- Dear Seasonal Attribution Project participants, The results of our work on attribution of the UK autumn 2000 floods have finally been published (, and have generated a fair amount of media interest! I just wanted to say one final big thank you to all the participants who crunched simulations for us – we couldn’t have done the study without you! And I similarly want to say thanks for the enjoyable discussions I had back on the project’s old message boards. It's sure taken a while to get this work finished, but now it’s great to see the follow-up project is well underway, and I hope we’ll see more interesting results come out of that. Happy crunching, Pardeep |