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Thread 'Turn off or run ?'

Message boards : Science : Turn off or run ?
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Message 35370 - Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 18:00:08 UTC


What is best for the climate ?
Turning off my computer or running

I mean if everyone running turned off their computers
we would save a lot of cO2 emmissions..but we would not gain knowledge..

Has anyone estimated the C02 footprint from..running the simulations?
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Message 35372 - Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 19:11:11 UTC

Recurring topic. It\'s covered on this forum and on the main site. \"Advanced search\" gets broader coverage of what\'s here than \"Search forums\".
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Message 35375 - Posted: 25 Oct 2008, 23:29:53 UTC - in response to Message 35370.  

Dear Mrr

This is just something to think about the CO2 footprint of running the ClimatePrediction models. If you run them at night there is a good chance that they are carbon neutral.

The reason for this is that the big thermal electric generators that burn coal or oil take so long to start up after a shutdown (typically several hours) that they are let run 24/7. The fuel is burned and the CO2 produced even if no one uses the electricity. They only time that they are shutdown is when its time to maintain them.Since electricity is difficult to store the unused power goes to waste.

Pump storage systems can be used to store some of the energy, but, this requires a handy reservoir and hydroelectric dam to covert the potential energy back into electricity. This could change if they ever work the bugs out of fuel cells or super capacitors. They might be able to store large amounts of electricity cheaply for later use.


What is best for the climate ?
Turning off my computer or running

I mean if everyone running turned off their computers
we would save a lot of cO2 emmissions..but we would not gain knowledge..

Has anyone estimated the C02 footprint from..running the simulations?

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Message 35530 - Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 16:08:49 UTC - in response to Message 35375.  

Dear Mrr

This is just something to think about the CO2 footprint of running the ClimatePrediction models. If you run them at night there is a good chance that they are carbon neutral.

The reason for this is that the big thermal electric generators that burn coal or oil take so long to start up after a shutdown (typically several hours) that they are let run 24/7. The fuel is burned and the CO2 produced even if no one uses the electricity. They only time that they are shutdown is when its time to maintain them.Since electricity is difficult to store the unused power goes to waste.

Pump storage systems can be used to store some of the energy, but, this requires a handy reservoir and hydroelectric dam to covert the potential energy back into electricity. This could change if they ever work the bugs out of fuel cells or super capacitors. They might be able to store large amounts of electricity cheaply for later use.


What is best for the climate ?
Turning off my computer or running

I mean if everyone running turned off their computers
we would save a lot of cO2 emmissions..but we would not gain knowledge..

Has anyone estimated the C02 footprint from..running the simulations?

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Message 35534 - Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 19:08:11 UTC

As mrr is in Sweden, during the winter months the heat from the computer could be offset by turning the heating in the room down or off.
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Message boards : Science : Turn off or run ?
