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Message 40270 - Posted: 30 Jul 2010, 3:54:27 UTC - in response to Message 40268.  

I added boinc.exe and boincmgr.exe to Kaspersky's exclusion list. Please try again.
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Message 40272 - Posted: 30 Jul 2010, 17:10:11 UTC

At the moment the CPDN server's version of Boinc may only give you one model (because of the quota of 1) per day. It should scale this up for the number of cores but it doesn't for every computer. Anyway, you have a new model so we'll see how it does. If it gets as far as a trickle it will mean your extra exclusion may have fixed things.
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Message 40273 - Posted: 31 Jul 2010, 2:59:39 UTC - in response to Message 40272.  

mo.v - Thanks for your patience. The last WU got caught by Kaspersky, which reports the WU has no description or application information. Anyway, I have now excluded the programdata folder from Kaspersky entirely, so it should not disturb anything in that folder. If that doesn't work, I may be out of ideas. I hope you all would be kind enough to give me another WU tomorrow to test my fix. Thanks again. -c
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Message 40274 - Posted: 31 Jul 2010, 4:57:10 UTC
Last modified: 31 Jul 2010, 4:58:41 UTC

No problem at all. Nobody can guarantee to find a fix at once and sometimes there's more than one problem. You fix one and the other then gets its chance to crash a task.

Milo reenabled a quota of 1. That's 1 per day (I think your time). At the moment the server's Boinc isn't always scaling this up for the number of cores so that may be a single model per day. Each time a model crashes Boinc reduces the quota by 1.

Don't believe what the computer's CPDN web page says about what the quota is. Another peculiarity of the server's current Boinc is that it doesn't show us what quota it's using. And some other members have what looks like good evidence that the server's Boinc is using the wrong secret quota.

So if the computer crashes a model it's probably a waste of time trying to fetch a replacement until after your midnight. And then you're unlikely to get more than 1.

If you have difficulty fetching a new model you should suspend the tasks from other projects and edit the additional work buffer (Advanced > preferences > network) to its maximum of 10 days. Then update CPDN and hope you're in luck.

Before restarting the tasks from other projects you may want to reduce the buffer again so the computer doesn't get swamped with too much work.

That's what we're suggesting to everyone whose computer has a hard time persuading the server's Boinc to send enough work. I hope Milo can fix this defective Boinc version soon.
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Message 40301 - Posted: 5 Aug 2010, 4:38:00 UTC - in response to Message 40274.  

Thx mo.v. It appears that the issue is resolved! I now have 2 CPDN WUs running successfully! Thanks again for your patience and assistance. Happy crunching!
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Message 40302 - Posted: 5 Aug 2010, 11:11:25 UTC

Good. I see that your models are trickling.

These are FAMOUS models some of which have very extreme parameter values. This causes some of them to crash with exit code 22 and error messages (in the stderr +) containing either INVALID THETA or NEGATIVE PRESSURE. If this happens to you, don't worry as it wouldn't be the fault of your computer.
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Message 40345 - Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 9:58:41 UTC - in response to Message 39186.  

Hello. I think that computer is on holiday and it is very difficult to me to restart the work.
I am sorry
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Message 40363 - Posted: 13 Aug 2010, 4:18:51 UTC - in response to Message 40345.  

I guess that this is the computer that you mean.
As you can see near the bottom of the page, the Maximum daily WU quota per CPU has been set to -1. This is to prevent it from wasting more models.

If you click on the number of models alongside this, you get this page, which is the first of several listing these models.
Now click on the first column, for any of the failed models, and you get the page for that model.
Finally, click on the + sign alongside stderr, and you'll see the error message for why it failed.

Permissions usually means that BOINC and/or the model doesn't have permission to write to that folder, so it can't save some data that it needs to.

So you need to work out why there's a permissions problem and fix it.
Then post back here, and the project people will re-enable your computer so that you can get another model to try.

Backups: Here
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Message 40396 - Posted: 20 Aug 2010, 20:24:44 UTC

Marta, a typical crashed model is here. If you click on Stderr+ you will see extra error messages. They say: CreateProcess() failed - Acceso denegado. (0x5).

There is a Boinc FAQ about this exact error. It's here. Your antivirus or firewall (or both) is blocking Boinc and every ClimatePrediction model. You need to follow Jorden's instructions exactly.

You will probably need the path to the BOINC and BOINC DATA directories. The two paths for Windows Vista are explained here.

To exit completely from Boinc (for example before scans) you can right-click on the Boinc icon at the bottom of the screen and then select Exit.

Marta, si quiere que explique todo esto en castellano, no hay problema, sólo hace falta que me lo diga. El problema que han sufrido sus modelos climáticos es bastante corriente. Verá que a Spizz (arriba) le pasó exactamente lo mismo que a Ud. Lo pudo resolver siguiendo las mismas instrucciones.

Cuando nos diga que haya hecho lo necesario pediremos al programador, Milo, que reactive su cuota diario. Será posible entonces ver si sus modelos nuevos logran procesarse.
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Alan Pedley

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Message 40408 - Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 17:37:14 UTC

Computer is mis-configured (e-mail received)

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Message 40411 - Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 21:44:27 UTC

Hi Alan

Thank you for posting. Your computer with the problem is here:

The CPDN programmer, Milo, has temporarily set your daily quota to -1 until the problem's fixed.

If you click on the 206 at the bottom of the page you'll get to a list of your models. For each model you can click on stderr+ and see the error messages. Your models have all crashed with Exit status -2 and the message that the processing couldn't get started.

This is an unusual type of error and we're discussing what you'll need to do. Please be patient; you are not being ignored!
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Message 40432 - Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 19:08:44 UTC


I have received the email.

My PC:

No idea why it is not working, other projects seem ok. Any ideas?

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ProfileIain Inglis
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Message 40433 - Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 22:29:23 UTC - in response to Message 40432.  

No idea why it is not working, other projects seem ok. Any ideas?

The short answer is 'some ideas but no solutions'. The errors reported from your computer are the same as Alan Pedley's earlier. The -2 exit code accompanied by the message 'Could not launch model process. Last Error=216' on a 64-bit Windows installation is plausible: the 216 code indicates an attempt to launch a valid application, but which is for a machine type other than the current machine.

The problem is that plenty of people run (32-bit) CPDN applications on 64-bit Windows. There are some references on the Web to possible virus infections but that seems unlikely in these cases, where the windows version really is 64-bit.

It's being looked into ...

Was the machine always 64-bit or was it upgraded?
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Djamel Ait Amrane

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Message 40439 - Posted: 27 Aug 2010, 22:11:34 UTC


Je n'arrive plus a charger les données pour le projet climateprediction.
Alors que Seti fonctionne correctement.

Je ne sais pas d'où provient l'erreur!

Our database entry for this computer is below. It is for your information only and you do not need to paste it into your comment on the forum.
ID: 938765
Created: 3 Jan 2009 10:14:02 UTC
Total credit: 48164.9014220955
Average credit: 6.45739652534057
Average update time: 25 Aug 2010 2:04:34 UTC
IP address: (same the last 482 times)
Domain name: djamel-44
Local Time = UTC +1 hours
Number of CPUs: 2
CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 4300 @ 1.80GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 2] [fpu tsc sse sse2 mmx]
FP ops/sec: 1651290070.36748
Int ops/sec: 3481004496.25494
memory bandwidth: 1000000000
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition, Service Pack 3, (05.01.2600.00)
Memory: 2047.11 MB
Cache: 976.56 KB
Swap Space: 3433.63 MB
Total Disk Space: 30.27 GB
Free Disk Space: 1.28 GB
Avg network bandwidth (upstream): 1414.45 bytes/sec
Avg network bandwidth (downstream): 7646.35 bytes/sec
Average turnaround: 347.22 days
Number of RPCs: 27265
Last RPC: 24 Aug 2010 22:49:34 UTC
% of time client on: 34.1617 %
% of time host connected: 13.4154 %
% of time user active: 99.9668 %
# of results today: 1
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Message 40440 - Posted: 28 Aug 2010, 3:24:44 UTC

Bonjour Djamel

Milo, qui est un des programmeurs du projet, vous a envoyé le courrier et désactivé pour le moment le quota cotidien de votre ordinateur parce que depuis quelque temps tous les modèles climatiques qu'il téléchargeait faillissaient. Quand vous aurez fait ce qu'il faut pour corriger le problème Milo réactivera votre quota cotidien.

Voici la page web de l'ordinateur. Cliquez sur le 85 (les tâches) et vous trouverez la liste de vos modèles.

Le modèle le plus récent par exemple a failli avec le code -185. Cliquez sur stderr+ pour voir des messages.

On voit d'abord que vous avez une version de Boinc très ancienne, 5.8.16. Sur le site Boinc choisissez le français et mettez à jour votre installation Boinc. Il n'y a pas besoin de désinstaller la version préalable avant de le faire.

Quant au code de faillite -185, il est probable que votre pare-feu ou logiciel antivirus ait bloqué Boinc, ce qui empêche aux modèles climatiques de démarrer. Vous devrez chercher Boinc dans le pare-feu et antivirus où il pourrait se trouver dans une liste de programmes/logiciels bloqués. Il faudrait transférer Boinc à la liste des programmes permis.

En plus, il vaut mieux désactiver les scans antivirus automatiques et les mettre en marche manuellement après avoir fermé totalement tout fonctionnement de Boinc. Pour sortir de boinc, faites clic à droite sur l'icone Boinc en bas de l'écran et choisissez Exit/Quitter.

L'erreur -185 s'explique ici (en anglais).

Quand vous aurez pu faire ce que j'ai suggéré, dites-le-nous svp et on demandera à Milo de réactiver le quota de votre ordinateur. A ce moment-là on verra si les modèles arrivent à démarrer.
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Message 40481 - Posted: 1 Sep 2010, 15:13:13 UTC - in response to Message 40433.  
Last modified: 1 Sep 2010, 15:13:39 UTC

It's being looked into ...

Was the machine always 64-bit or was it upgraded?

It is a new 64 bit Acer machine.
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Message 40493 - Posted: 1 Sep 2010, 16:36:01 UTC

believe the situation to be resolved, this occurred two months ago - think a corrupted file or two while dl'ing caused multiple WUs to crash. was able to download the file manually and get one WU to run.

pls advise?

Your computer (host # 843760) described below appears to have a misconfigured BOINC
installation and is crashing models. Would you please have a look at it?

If you need assistance, please post in this thread on our BOINC forums and we will suggest a way to fix the problem. You may post in any language:

Please include this link so that we may more easily find your computer:

When you have applied the fix please post to say so. Until the problem is fixed no more work will be sent to your computer.

The team
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Message 40530 - Posted: 1 Sep 2010, 20:38:48 UTC

Hi Angler

Thank you for posting about the problem. This is your computer 843760. Here's its list of tasks.

Don't worry about the model that didn't download correctly. A lot of computers had download errors at that time; I think there was a server problem. A download problem with one model should not cause other models that have already downloaded correctly to fail.

Model 11553133 should still be in your Boinc manager and you should still, I think, be able to process it.

But Milo, the CPDN programmer, has set your daily quota of new climate models to -1. This is because there's at least one problem you need to fix. When you've fixed the problem and you tell us here, Milo will reactivate your daily model quota.

So what's the problem?

Here is a typical crashed task. Exit code 22. Click on stderr+ to see more messages. We see 'process exited with code 22 (0x16, -234)'.

There is a FAQ for Linux computers with this error here. I think you may need to install these 32-bit compatibility libraries. Geophi has explained where to get them here.
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Message 40536 - Posted: 1 Sep 2010, 22:16:43 UTC - in response to Message 40440.  


Boinc est classé en restriction faible de mon AVirus.
J'ai installé la version 6.10.58 qui me semble la plus récente.
Mais la communication est toujours différée a ...

Djamel Ait amrane
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Message 40561 - Posted: 2 Sep 2010, 20:51:26 UTC - in response to Message 40530.  

Yes as I said the remaining model is running, so I believe the issue should be resolved.
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