Message boards : Number crunching : Batch List
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Here is a list of batches of CPDN work units. The list starts at batch #252 in December 2015, after which point all batches were numbered. Before that point some batches were numbered and some not. |
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Batches 252-275 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 275 18-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 11 month hadam3p_afr50_sis0_201412_11_275_010238831 12 274 18-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 11 month hadam3p_afr50_ewc0_201412_11_274_010238826 5 273 18-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 MEX 25 km 12 month wah2_mex25_pu00_194112_12_273_010242843 5 [Batch split.] 273 18-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 MEX 25 km 12 month wah2_mex25_pu00_194112_12_273_010238821 5 272 17-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_s000_198512_12_272_010238473 348 271 16-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 EU 50 km 12 month wah2_eu50_pu00_194112_12_271_010238463 5 [Batch split.] 271 16-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 EU 50 km 12 month wah2_eu50_pu00_194112_12_271_010238453 5 270 16-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_pu00_194112_12_270_010238468 5 [Batch split.] 270 16-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_pu00_194112_12_270_010238458 5 [Batch split.] 270 16-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_pu00_194112_12_270_010238448 5 269 16-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_e0aa_194112_12_269_010238428 20 268 15-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 12 month hadam3p_pnw_k024_198512_12_268_010238423 5 267 14-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 4 month hadam3p_eu_gg5c_201511_4_267_010232303 6120 266 14-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 4 month hadam3p_eu_gd00_201511_4_266_010228223 4080 265 14-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 9 month hadam3p_pnw_a3lf_198512_9_265_010228078 145 264 11-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 4 month hadam3p_eu_9800_201511_4_264_010228073 5 263 11-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 4 month hadam3p_eu_9800_201511_4_263_010227553 520 262 11-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_sis0_201412_12_262_010227541 12 261 11-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_ewc0_201412_12_261_010227536 5 260 11-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_a000_189912_12_260_010226732 804 259 11-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_a000_189912_12_259_010225928 804 258 11-Dec-15 HADAM3PM2 7.03 12 month hadam3pm2_c000_199112_12_258_010225927 1 257 10-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 3 month hadam3p_eu_b000_201511_3_257_010225719 208 256 10-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.26 EU 50 km 3 month hadam3p_eu_b000_201511_3_256_010225615 104 255 08-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.26 EU 50 km 4 month hadam3p_eu_b000_201511_4_255_010225407 208 254 08-Dec-15 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 50 km 12 month hadam3p_anz_y600_198512_12_254_010224827 580 253 07-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_gst0_201112_12_253_010224815 12 252 07-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 12 month hadam3p_pnw_k019_198512_12_252_010224810 5 Comment Batch 275: OSTIA 2014-2015nov (afr_50km): Natural climate scenario simulations for 2014-2015 over Africa. Batch 274: OSTIA 2014-2015nov (afr_50km): Climate scenario simulations for 2014-2015 over Africa. Batch 273: WAH2 Mexico Test: Test new Mexico region start dump. Batch 272: WAH2 South Asia 1985-2013: Spin up runs for WAH2 South Asia climatology from 1985-2013. Batch 271: WAH2 Europe 50km Test: Test Europe region @ 50km resolution with WAH2. Batch 270: WAH2 South Asia Test: Test South Asia region with WAH2. Batch 269: WAH2 MaRIUS Test gen2: Test MaRIUS runs with WAH2: testing the 2nd generation of runs. Batch 268: PNW weather@home test: Beta test new evapotranspiration diagnostics. Batch 267: GloSea5 forecast November 2015 Natural: NAT EU winter 2015/16 with GloSea5 naturalized SST and Sea ice running for 4 months from 2015/11/01. Batch 266: GloSea5 forecast November 2015 Actual: ACT EU winter 2015/16 with GloSea5 forecast SST and Sea ice running for 4 months from 2015/11/01. Batch 265: PNW weather@home water year: Generate water year restart files for 1985-2013. Batch 264: Stash file test: Test new file to configure model output. Running for 4 months from 2015/11/01. Batch 263: Ancillary file test: Test of 40 new SST and 40 new Sea ice start dumps running for 4 months from 2015/11/01. Batch 262: OSTIA 2014-2015 test (afr_50km): Natural climate scenario test over 50km Africa region for 2015. Batch 261: OSTIA 2014-2015 test (afr_50km): Actual climate scenario test over 50km Africa region for 2015. Batch 260: CREDIBLE RCP4.5 test run: Test the CREDIBLE synthetic historic and future runs for RCP4.5, SST response to GHG @ 50th percentile. Batch 259: CREDIBLE RCP4.5 test run: Test the CREDIBLE synthetic historic and future runs for RCP4.5, SST response to GHG @ 50th percentile. Batch 258: New submission scripts test: Test of new scripts with hadam3pm2 model. Batch 257: hadam3p_eu v7.27 test: Test of new application hadam3p_eu version 7.27 running 3 months from 2015/11/01. Batch 256: Start dump test: Test of new start dumps running for 3 months from 2015/11/01. Batch 255: Start dump test: Test of new start dumps 4 months from 2015/11/01. Batch 254: WAH ANZ natural runs: OSTIA forced HadAM3P ANZ runs for 1986-2014 to generate restarts. Batch 253: OSTIA 2010-2011 spin (afr_50km): Natural climate scenario followon simulations for 2011-2012 over Africa. Batch 252: PNW weather@home test: Beta test new diagnostics. |
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Batches 276-300 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 300 21-Jan-16 HADAM3PM2 7.03 24 month hadam3pm2_a000_199612_24_300_010264366 20 299 21-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 50 km 12 month wah2_eu50_ss00_194112_12_299_010264361 5 298 20-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_s000_198512_12_298_010264013 348 297 19-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 MEX 25 km 12 month wah2_mex25_ss00_194112_12_297_010264008 5 296 19-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 12 month wah2_pnw25_ss00_194112_12_296_010264003 5 295 19-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_ss00_194112_12_295_010263998 5 294 19-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_ss00_194112_12_294_010263993 5 293 18-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_b1jj_191212_12_293_010262521 1472 292 18-Jan-16 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 12 month hadam3p_anz_z400_201412_12_292_010262503 18 291 14-Jan-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_b000_201511_1_291_010262499 4 290 14-Jan-16 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 12 month hadam3p_anz_q000_201212_12_290_010256499 6000 289 14-Jan-16 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 12 month hadam3p_anz_h100_198512_12_289_010253019 3480 288 13-Jan-16 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_sis0_201412_12_288_010253006 13 287 13-Jan-16 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 12 month hadam3p_anz_h000_198512_12_287_010249526 3480 286 12-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 ANZ 50 km 12 month wah2_anz50_ss00_194112_12_286_010249521 5 285 11-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_j3ad_199412_12_285_010242896 6625 284 08-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 ANZ 50 km 12 month wah2_anz50_ss00_194112_12_284_010242891 5 283 07-Jan-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 9 month hadam3p_pnw_a3pg_201012_9_283_010242886 5 282 07-Jan-16 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_sis0_201412_12_282_010242873 13 281 06-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 AFR 50 km 12 month wah2_afr50_ss00_194112_12_281_010242868 5 280 06-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_ss00_194112_12_280_010242863 5 279 05-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 12 month wah2_pnw25_ss00_194112_12_279_010242858 5 278 05-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_ss00_194112_12_278_010242853 5 277 18-Dec-15 WAH2 7.08 MEX 25 km 12 month wah2_mex25_pu00_194112_12_277_010242848 5 276 18-Dec-15 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_gst0_201112_12_276_010238843 4000 Comment Batch 300: Fmec phase 1 global perturbed physics: Perturbed physics on Hydra. Batch 299: WAH2 Europe 50km Test: Test new Europe 50km region start dump. Batch 298: WAH2 South Asia 1985-2013: Spin up runs for WAH2 South Asia climatology from 1985-2013. Batch 297: WAH2 Mexico Test: Test new Mexico region start dump. Batch 296: WAH2 Pacific North West Test: Test new Pacific North West region start dump. Batch 295: WAH2 EAST Asia Test: Test new EAST Asia region start dump. Batch 294: WAH2 South Asia Test: Test new South Asia region start dump. Batch 293: WAH2 MaRIUS 2nd generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 2nd generation of runs to estimate drought risks in the UK. Batch 292: WAH ANZ 2015 Beta test new stash: Testing stash for 2015 BAMS expt. Batch 291: New output tests: Test of new model outputs including global daily surface runoff. Batch 290: ANZ perturbed physics 2013: Simulations running a selection of perturbed physics sets for year 2013, ALL forcing. Batch 289: WAH ANZ MMM NAT, 1986-2014: OSTIA forced HadAM3P ANZ runs for 1986-2014. Batch 288: OSTIA 2014-2015 (afr_50km): Climate scenario simulations for 2014-2015 over Africa. Batch 287: WAH ANZ MMM NAT, 1986-2014: OSTIA forced HadAM3P ANZ runs for 1986-2014. Batch 286: WAH2 Australia/New Zealand Test: Test new Australia/New Zealand region start dump. Batch 285: WAH2 MaRIUS 2nd generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 2nd generation of runs to estimate drought risks in the UK. Batch 284: WAH2 Australia/New Zealand Test: Test new Australia/New Zealand region start dump. Batch 283: PNW weather@home test: Generate water year restart files for sept 2011. Batch 282: OSTIA 2014-2015 (afr_50km): Climate scenario simulations for 2014-2015 over Africa. Batch 281: WAH2 Africa Test: Test new Africa region start dump. Batch 280: WAH2 East Asia Test: Test new East Asia region start dump. Batch 279: WAH2 Pacific North West Test: Test new Pacific North West region start dump. Batch 278: WAH2 East Asia Test: Test new East Asia region start dump. Batch 277: WAH2 Mexico Test: Test new Mexico region ouputs. Batch 276: OSTIA 2011-2012 (afr_50km): Natural climate scenario simulations for 2011-2012 over Africa. |
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Batches 301-325 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 325 03-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_a0ak_190112_12_325_010289632 516 324 03-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_l800_201812_12_324_010289612 20 323 02-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_l800_201812_12_323_010289592 20 322 02-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 15 month hadam3p_pnw_a400_19859_15_322_010289582 10 321 01-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 50 km 12 month wah2_eu50r_ss00_194112_12_321_010289572 10 320 01-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 50 km 12 month wah2_eu50_ss00_194112_12_320_010289556 10 319 01-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_a000_199612_24_319_010289536 20 318 29-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_q800_206812_12_318_010289376 160 317 29-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 50 km 12 month wah2_eu50_ss00_194112_12_317_010289371 5 316 29-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_l800_201812_12_316_010289206 165 315 29-Jan-16 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 12 month hadam3p_anz_n100_201412_12_315_010279206 10000 314 28-Jan-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 12 month hadam3p_eu_ss00_194112_12_314_010279201 5 313 28-Jan-16 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 12 month hadam3p_anz_a000_201412_12_313_010275201 4000 312 27-Jan-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 13 month hadam3p_eu_b100_198512_13_312_010275141 60 311 27-Jan-16 HADAM3PM2 7.03 24 month hadam3pm2_a000_199612_24_311_010275136 5 310 27-Jan-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 15 month hadam3p_pnw_a3pv_19859_15_310_010275126 10 309 26-Jan-16 HADAM3PM2 7.03 24 month hadam3pm2_a000_199612_24_309_010275121 5 308 26-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_b8fh_191912_12_308_010274461 660 307 26-Jan-16 HADAM3PM2 7.03 24 month hadam3pm2_a000_199612_24_307_010274441 20 306 25-Jan-16 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 12 month hadam3p_anz_k100_201212_12_306_010264441 10000 305 25-Jan-16 HADAM3PM2 7.03 24 month hadam3pm2_a000_199612_24_305_010264421 20 304 25-Jan-16 HADAM3P 6.1 ANZ 12 month hadam3p_anz_z410_201412_12_304_010264403 18 303 09-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 12 month wah2_pnw25_ss00_194112_12_303_010290837 6 [Batch split.] 303 01-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 12 month wah2_pnw25_ss00_194112_12_303_010289566 6 [Batch split.] 303 22-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 12 month wah2_pnw25_ss00_194112_12_303_010264401 2 302 22-Jan-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 15 month hadam3p_pnw_a3pl_198512_15_302_010264391 10 301 21-Jan-16 WAH2 7.08 AFR 25 km 12 month wah2_afr25_ss00_194112_12_301_010264386 5 Comment Batch 325: WAH2 MaRIUS 2nd generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 2nd generation of runs to estimate drought risks in the UK. Batch 324: Test runs MaRIUS near future 1st generation: MaRIUS test runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate near future drought risks in the UK. Batch 323: Test runs MaRIUS near future 1st generation: MaRIUS test runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate near future drought risks in the UK. Batch 322: PNW weather@home test run with diagnostics for hydroclimate change: Testing historical water year simulations with in-depth diagnostics for hydroclimate change. Batch 321: WAH2 Europe 50km Test: Test new rotated Europe 50km region eu50r. Batch 320: WAH2 Europe 50km Test: Test new Europe 50km region start dump (Excluding Greenland). Batch 319: Fmec phase 1 global perturbed physics: WAH2 Perturbed physics Pacific North West Test. Batch 318: Test runs MaRIUS far future 1st generation: MaRIUS test runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate far future drought risks in the UK. Batch 317: WAH2 tiny region test: Test tiny region start dump (50km resolution). Batch 316: Test runs MaRIUS near future 1st generation: MaRIUS test runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate near future drought risks in the UK. Batch 315: WAH ANZ 2015 Natural SSTs: WAH ANZ 2015 Natural SSTs. Batch 314: WAH1 Europe 50km Test: Test new Europe 50km region start dump. Batch 313: WAH ANZ 2015 All-Forcing simulations: WAH ANZ 2015 All-Forcing simulations. Batch 312: EU Allforcing Climatology 12/1985-12/2015: Test of new two year OSTIA SST and Sea ice ancillaries. Batch 311: Fmec phase 1 global perturbed physics: Perturbed physics on Hydra. Batch 310: PNW weather@home test: Testing historical water year simulations. Batch 309: Fmec phase 1 global perturbed physics: Perturbed physics on Hydra. Batch 308: WAH2 MaRIUS 2nd generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 2nd generation of runs to estimate drought risks in the UK. Batch 307: Fmec phase 1 global perturbed physics: Perturbed physics on Hydra. Batch 306: WAH ANZ 2013 Natural SSTs: WAH ANZ 2013 Natural SSTs. Batch 305: Fmec phase 1 global perturbed physics: Perturbed physics on Hydra. Batch 304: WAH ANZ 2015 Beta test new stash: Testing stash for 2015 BAMS expt. Batch 303: Script testing: Testing new checks of model ancillary files. Batch 302: PNW weather@home test: Historical water year test batch. Batch 301: WAH2 Africa 25km Test: Test new Africa 25km region start dump. |
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Batches 326-350 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 350 26-Feb-16 HADCM3N 6.07 480 month hadcm3n_ldqg_198012_480_350_010332053 363 349 26-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 1 month wah2_sas50_fj00_198612_1_349_010331549 504 348 23-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_fdbc_201412_13_348_010324349 7200 347 19-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_bpb0_201412_12_347_010320749 3600 346 18-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_k3ck_200412_12_346_010320395 354 345 18-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_z000_199512_24_345_010320362 33 344 17-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_a000_199612_24_344_010320342 20 343 16-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_a027_200312_24_343_010320338 4 342 16-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 15 month hadam3p_pnw_a3qh_19869_15_342_010320326 12 341 15-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_fdbc_201412_13_341_010313126 7200 340 12-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 15 month hadam3p_pnw_a3q5_19869_15_340_010313114 12 339 12-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 15 month hadam3p_pnw_a41a_19859_15_339_010313104 10 338 12-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_fb00_201412_13_338_010310104 3000 337 12-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 SAS 50 km 1 month wah2_sas50_b110_201412_1_337_010310086 18 336 10-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 MEX 50 km 12 month wah2_mex50_ss00_194112_12_336_010310081 5 335 10-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_q805_206812_12_335_010300641 9440 334 10-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 15 month hadam3p_pnw_a410_19859_15_334_010300631 10 333 09-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_l805_201812_12_333_010291191 9440 332 09-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 50 km 12 month wah2_eu50r_s000_198512_12_332_010290843 348 331 08-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_d2bb_193312_12_331_010290588 249 330 08-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_a000_199612_24_330_010290568 20 329 08-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 13 month hadam3p_eu_b100_198512_13_329_010290508 60 328 04-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_q800_206812_12_328_010290348 160 327 04-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_m200_202212_12_327_010290208 140 326 03-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 13 month hadam3p_eu_b100_198512_13_326_010290148 60 Comment Batch 350: [No batch description.] Batch 349: South Asia Allforcing 12/1986-12/2013: one month simulation with new restart files for SAS50 region. Batch 348: South Asia Natural 12/2014-12/2015: Second submission, replacing batch 341, using ozone file o3_n96_pers_1959_1999_2020. 13 month simulations using 12 different estimated natural sea-surface temperature patterns. Version 2. Batch 347: OSTIA 2014-2015nov (afr_50km): Natural climate scenario simulations for 2014-2015 over Africa. Batch 346: WAH2 MaRIUS 2nd generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 2nd generation of runs to estimate drought risks in the UK. Batch 345: WAH2 PNW Perturbed Physics Test without v_crit_alpha: Test of 2 year WAH2 PNW perturbed parameter simulations without v_crit_alpha. Batch 344: Fmec phase 1 global perturbed physics: WAH2 Perturbed physics Pacific North West Test. Batch 343: WAH2 PNW Test: Test of 2 year WAH2 PNW. Batch 342: PNW weather@home test: Testing historical water year simulations. Batch 341: South Asia Natural 12/2014-12/2015: 13 month simulation with new two year DELTA SST ancillaries. Batch 340: PNW weather@home test: Testing historical water year simulations. Batch 339: PNW weather@home test run with diagnostics to look at global to regional boundary transfer: Testing to look at global to regional boundary transfer. Batch 338: South Asia Allforcing 12/2014-12/2015: 13 month simulation with new two year OSTIA SST and Sea ice ancillaries. Batch 337: WAH2 South Asia Test: Test new South Asia region starting conditions. Batch 336: WAH2 Mexico Test: Test new Mexico region start dump. Batch 335: MaRIUS far future 1st generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate far future drought risks in the UK. Batch 334: PNW weather@home test run with diagnostics for hydroclimate change for a new stash: Testing historical water year simulations with in-depth diagnostics for hydroclimate change. Batch 333: MaRIUS near future 1st generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate near future drought risks in the UK. Batch 332: WAH2 Europe 50km 1985-2013: Spin up runs for WAH2 Europe 50 (rotated) climatology from 1985-2013. Batch 331: WAH2 MaRIUS 2nd generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 2nd generation of runs to estimate drought risks in the UK. Batch 330: Fmec phase 1 global perturbed physics: WAH2 Perturbed physics Pacific North West Test. Batch 329: EU Allforcing Climatology 12/1985-12/2015: Test of new two year OSTIA SST and Sea ice ancillaries. Batch 328: Test runs MaRIUS far future 1st generation: MaRIUS test runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate far future drought risks in the UK. Batch 327: Test runs MaRIUS near future 1st generation: MaRIUS test runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate near future drought risks in the UK. Batch 326: EU Allforcing Climatology 12/1985-12/2015: Test of new two year OSTIA SST and Sea ice ancillaries. |
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Batches 351-375 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 375 21-Mar-16 HADCM3N 6.07 480 month hadcm3n_scnx_198012_480_375_010413755 1786 374 21-Mar-16 HADCM3N 6.07 480 month hadcm3n_xapm_198012_480_374_010412401 1354 373 21-Mar-16 HADCM3N 6.07 480 month hadcm3n_ldqg_198012_480_373_010412038 363 372 19-Mar-16 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_bpb0_201412_12_372_010408438 3600 371 19-Mar-16 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_ewc0_201412_12_371_010403438 5000 370 18-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_fk00_201412_13_370_010396478 6960 369 18-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_fk00_201412_13_369_010389518 6960 368 17-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_fk00_201412_13_368_010382558 6960 367 17-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_fpdc_201412_13_367_010379658 2900 366 10-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_a000_189912_13_366_010336858 42800 365 08-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 1 month wah2_eu25_a000_189912_1_365_010336458 400 364 08-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 0 month wah2_eu25_a000_189912_0_364_010336058 400 363 08-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 PNW 25 km 0 month wah2_pnw25_ss00_194112_0_363_010336049 9 362 08-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 PNW 25 km 0 month wah2_pnw25_ss00_194112_0_362_010336031 18 361 04-Mar-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_te11_190812_13_361_010335995 36 360 03-Mar-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_te11_190812_13_360_010335959 36 359 02-Mar-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_te11_190812_13_359_010335923 36 358 02-Mar-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_te11_190812_13_358_010335887 36 357 01-Mar-16 WAH2 7.08 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_te11_190812_13_357_010335851 36 356 29-Feb-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 50 km 2 month hadam3p_eu_p200_201511_2_356_010335707 144 355 27-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_z00x_199512_24_355_010335697 10 354 26-Feb-16 WAH2 7.08 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_z00x_199512_24_354_010335587 110 353 26-Feb-16 HADCM3N 6.07 480 month hadcm3n_lddj_194012_480_353_010335556 31 352 26-Feb-16 HADCM3N 6.07 480 month hadcm3n_scnx_198012_480_352_010333770 1786 351 26-Feb-16 HADCM3N 6.07 480 month hadcm3n_xapm_198012_480_351_010332416 1354 Comment Batch 375: HadCM3N low sensitivity: HadCM3N perturbed physics low sensitivity resubmissions for control experiment. Batch 374: HadCM3N low sensitivity: HadCM3N perturbed physics low sensitivity resubmissions for step experiment. Batch 373: HadCM3N low sensitivity: HadCM3N perturbed physics low sensitivity resubmissions for ramp experiment. Batch 372: OSTIA 2014-2015nov (afr_50km): Natural climate scenario simulations for 2014-2015 over Africa. Batch 371: OSTIA 2014-2015 (afr_50km): Climate scenario simulations for 2014-2015 over Africa. Batch 370: SAS Natural 12/2014-12/2015: 13 month simulation with two year DELTA SST and new restart ancillaries. Batch 369: SAS Natural 12/2014-12/2015: 13 month simulation with two year DELTA SST and new restart ancillaries. Batch 368: SAS Natural 12/2014-12/2015: 13 month simulation with two year DELTA SST and new restart ancillaries. Batch 367: SAS Actual 12/2014-12/2015: 13 month simulation with two year OSTIA SST and Sea ice and new restart ancillaries. Batch 366: MaRIUS 20th century 2nd generation: WAH2 MaRIUS 20th century 2nd generation using redated dumps and 13 months. Batch 365: Test MaRIUS 20th century 2ng generation: Test WAH2 MaRIUS 20th century 2nd generation using redated dumps and 13 months. Batch 364: Test MaRIUS 20th century 2ng generation: Test WAH2 MaRIUS 20th century 2nd generation using redated dumps and 13 months. Batch 363: Test Batch: Testing new model version wah2 8.12. Batch 362: Test Batch: Testing new model version wah2 8.12. Batch 361: WAH2 test redated dumps: WAH2 test redated dumps. Batch 360: WAH2 test redated dumps: WAH2 test redated dumps. Batch 359: WAH2 test redated dumps: WAH2 test redated dumps. Batch 358: WAH2 test redated dumps: WAH2 test redated dumps. Batch 357: WAH2 test redated dumps: WAH2 test redated dumps. Batch 356: Testing sensitivity of model to different strength initial shocks: Initial condition sensitivity test. Batch 355: WAH2 PNW standard physics control: WAH2 PNW with standard physics; TOA balance control runs. Batch 354: WAH2 PNW standard physics control: WAH2 PNW with standard physics; TOA balance control runs. Batch 353: [No batch description.] Batch 352: [No batch description.] Batch 351: [No batch description.] |
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Batches 376-400 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 400 12-May-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_0a00_206912_13_400_010545422 6000 399 11-May-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_9000_201912_13_399_010539222 6200 398 11-May-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_8000_201912_13_398_010533022 6200 397 11-May-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_i400_20164_3_397_010529422 3600 396 11-May-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_i6s0_20164_3_396_010522222 7200 395 11-May-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_1000_201912_13_395_010516022 6200 394 10-May-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_0000_201912_13_394_010509822 6200 393 09-May-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_i300_20164_1_393_010509786 36 392 27-Apr-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 4 month hadam3p_eu_i22m_201512_4_392_010509666 120 391 27-Apr-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 4 month hadam3p_eu_i200_201512_4_391_010509572 94 390 26-Apr-16 HADAM3P 7.22 AFR 50 km 12 month hadam3p_afr50_ewc0_201412_12_390_010504572 5000 389 14-Apr-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 5 month hadam3p_eu_h800_201412_5_389_010504041 531 388 14-Apr-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 5 month hadam3p_eu_h8er_201412_5_388_010502625 1416 387 14-Apr-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_h000_198512_13_387_010492533 10092 386 06-Apr-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_b000_189912_12_386_010472433 20100 385 05-Apr-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_a000_189912_12_385_010452333 20100 384 05-Apr-16 WAH2 8.12 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_z05n_199512_24_384_010450353 1980 383 01-Apr-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 12 month hadam3p_pnw_ft5k_201312_12_383_010450053 300 382 01-Apr-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 12 month hadam3p_pnw_ft00_201312_12_382_010449853 200 381 31-Mar-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 12 month hadam3p_eu_g800_201412_12_381_010449753 100 380 24-Mar-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 13 month hadam3p_eu_g2bl_201412_13_380_010443381 6372 379 24-Mar-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 13 month hadam3p_eu_g000_201412_13_379_010440372 3009 378 22-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_r000_206912_13_378_010427972 12400 377 21-Mar-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_m000_201912_13_377_010415572 12400 376 21-Mar-16 HADCM3N 6.07 480 month hadcm3n_lddj_194012_480_376_010415541 31 Comment Batch 400: MaRIUS far future xtrm10-0: MaRIUS far future xtrm10-0: low warming, low gradient. Batch 399: MaRIUS near future xtrm90-1: MaRIUS near future xtrm90-1: low warming, high gradient. Batch 398: MaRIUS near future xtrm90-0: MaRIUS near future xtrm90-0: low warming, low gradient. Batch 397: [No batch description.] Batch 396: [No batch description.] Batch 395: MaRIUS near future xtrm10-1: MaRIUS near future xtrm10-1: low warming, high gradient. Batch 394: MaRIUS near future xtrm10-0: MaRIUS near future xtrm10-0: low warming, low gradient. Batch 393: EU Actual and Natural Ancillary testing: 1 month test for 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Apr 2016. Batch 392: [No batch description.] Batch 391: [No batch description.] Batch 390: Africa 50km drought: Climate simulations of Africa 2015 drought. Batch 389: [No batch description.] Batch 388: [No batch description.] Batch 387: SAS Climatology 12/1985-12/2014: 29 years of 13 month simulations with two year OSTIA SST and Sea ice and the same restart ancillaries. Batch 386: CREDIBLE double century runs, 1st gen: CREDIBLE runs with WAH2, 1899 to 2100: 1st generation to spin up starting conditions for final run. Batch 385: CREDIBLE double century runs, 1st gen: CREDIBLE runs with WAH2, 1899 to 2100: 1st generation to spin up starting conditions for final run. Batch 384: Perturbed Physics runs on wah2 pp11-340: Perturbed Physics runs on wah2 pp11-340 to to complete new parameter perturbation design. Batch 383: [No batch description.] Batch 382: [No batch description.] Batch 381: [No batch description.] Batch 380: [No batch description.] Batch 379: [No batch description.] Batch 378: MaRIUS far future 1st generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate far future drought risks in the UK. Batch 377: MaRIUS near future 1st generation: MaRIUS runs with WAH2: 1st generation to estimate near future drought risks in the UK. Batch 376: HadCM3N low sensitivity: HadCM3N perturbed physics low sensitivity resubmissions. |
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Batches 401-425 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 425 05-Aug-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_j000_20167_3_425_010651354 3600 424 04-Aug-16 WAH2 8.15 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_a196_19869_16_424_010646714 4640 423 20-Jul-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_iuk0_201412_13_423_010640914 5800 422 12-Jul-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_iugc_20166_1_422_010640794 120 421 12-Jul-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_iud0_20166_1_421_010640674 120 420 06-Jul-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_iot0_20166_3_420_010633474 7200 419 06-Jul-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_im10_20166_3_419_010629874 3600 418 06-Jul-16 WAH2 8.15 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_a155_19869_16_418_010629729 145 416 23-Jun-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_ilic_20165_1_416_010629609 120 415 23-Jun-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_ilf0_20165_1_415_010629489 120 414 22-Jun-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_ie20_201412_13_414_010622326 7163 413 21-Jun-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_ifv0_20165_3_413_010615126 7200 412 21-Jun-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_id30_20165_3_412_010611526 3600 411 20-Jun-16 WAH2 8.12 MEX 25 km 5 month wah2_mex25_a010_200312_5_411_010611476 50 410 18-Jun-16 WAH2 8.12 MEX 25 km 13 month wah2_mex25_c000_198512_13_410_010608476 3000 409 20-May-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_icfc_20164_1_409_010608356 120 408 20-May-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_icc0_20164_1_408_010608236 120 407 19-May-16 WAH2 8.12 MEX 50 km 12 month wah2_mex50_fo00_192912_12_407_010607136 1100 406 17-May-16 WAH2 8.12 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_z1on_199512_24_406_010580076 27060 405 16-May-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 12 month hadam3p_pnw_j33y_201412_12_405_010573452 6624 404 16-May-16 HADAM3P 7.27 PNW 12 month hadam3p_pnw_j000_201412_12_404_010569422 4030 403 13-May-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_9a00_206912_13_403_010563422 6000 402 12-May-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_8a00_206912_13_402_010557422 6000 401 12-May-16 WAH2 8.12 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_1a00_206912_13_401_010551422 6000 Comment Batch 425: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast July-September 2016: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting July 2016. Batch 424: Historic water year full release: Historic water year simulations. Batch 423: SAS50 revised SO2 12/2014-12/2015: 13 month simulation with 14 month OSTIA SST and cyclic sea ice ancillaries. Batch 422: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast June 2016: 1 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for July 2016 restarts. Batch 421: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast June 2016: 1 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for July 2016 restarts. Batch 420: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast June-August 2016: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting June 2016. Batch 419: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast June-August 2016: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting June 2016. Batch 418: WAH2 PNW: pre-release historic water year simulations [labelled batch #417]. Batch 417: [Batch not present.] Batch 416: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast May 2016: 1 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for June 2016 restarts. Batch 415: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast May 2016: 1 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for June 2016 restarts. Batch 414: SAS50 GHG only 12/2014-12/2015: 13 month simulation with 14 month GHG only SST and cyclic sea ice ancillaries. Batch 413: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast May-July 2016: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting May 2016. Batch 412: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast May-July 2016: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting May 2016. Batch 411: Mexico 25km anthro spinup: 50 member ensemble of spinup for the anthropogenic forced experiment. 5 months of spinup from December to May. Large ensemble will use the 50 start dumps from this batch. Batch 410: Mexico 25km climatology OSTIA: 30 year long climatology ensemble, 1986 to 2015, 100 ensemble members per year. Batch 409: [No batch description.] Batch 408: [No batch description.] Batch 407: WAH2 Mexico 1930s: Creating 1930s restart files. Batch 406: FMEC Perturbed Physics runs round2 for 1995-2005: FMEC Perturbed Physics runs on wah2 round2 with refined parameter space for 1995-2005. Batch 405: PNW Natural extension for California drought: 12/2014-11/2015: 12 month simulation with OSTIA SST and sea ice. Batch 404: PNW Allforcing extension for California drought: 12/2014-11/2015: 12 month simulation with OSTIA SST and sea ice. Batch 403: MaRIUS far future xtrm90-1: MaRIUS far future xtrm90-1: low warming, high gradient. Batch 402: MaRIUS far future xtrm90-0: MaRIUS far future xtrm90-0: low warming, low gradient. Batch 401: MaRIUS far future xtrm10-1: MaRIUS far future xtrm10-1: low warming, high gradient. |
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Batches 426-450 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 450 20-Sep-16 WAH2 8.12 SAM 50 km 13 month wah2_sam50_cqc0_209012_13_450_010731328 3000 449 13-Sep-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_kzq6_198512_13_449_010720018 11310 448 12-Sep-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_kr00_198512_13_448_010708708 11310 446 09-Sep-16 WAH2 8.19 WUS 25 km 9 month wah2_wus25_t00e_198512_9_446_010708558 150 445 08-Sep-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_kqgc_20168_1_445_010708438 120 443 08-Sep-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_kqd0_20168_1_443_010708318 120 442 07-Sep-16 WAH2 8.12 SAM 50 km 13 month wah2_sam50_v300_200312_13_442_010705920 2398 441 07-Sep-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_kkt0_20168_3_441_010698720 7200 440 07-Sep-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_ki10_20168_3_440_010695120 3600 439 02-Sep-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_cqc0_209012_13_439_010692120 3000 438 01-Sep-16 WAH2 8.12 MEX 50 km 12 month wah2_mex50_nx00_193912_12_438_010691020 1100 437 01-Sep-16 WAH2 8.12 MEX 50 km 12 month wah2_mex50_mx00_191912_12_437_010689920 1100 436 22-Aug-16 WAH2 8.12 MEX 50 km 13 month wah2_mex50_k4mo_193012_13_436_010674332 15588 435 22-Aug-16 WAH2 8.12 MEX 50 km 13 month wah2_mex50_k000_193012_13_435_010668332 6000 434 22-Aug-16 WAH2 8.12 DUB 25 km 12 month wah2_dub25_bqb0_201412_12_434_010668319 13 433 19-Aug-16 WAH2 8.12 DUB 25 km 12 month wah2_dub25_bqb0_201412_12_433_010668309 10 432 18-Aug-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_cqc0_209012_13_432_010666311 1998 431 17-Aug-16 WAH2 8.12 DUB 25 km 13 month wah2_dub25_cqc0_209012_13_431_010664313 1998 430 16-Aug-16 WAH2 8.12 DUB 25 km 13 month wah2_dub25_bqb0_200312_13_430_010662514 1799 429 09-Aug-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_j8c0_20167_1_429_010662394 120 428 08-Aug-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_j8fc_20167_1_428_010662274 120 427 08-Aug-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_j8c0_20167_1_427_010662154 120 426 05-Aug-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_j2s0_20167_3_426_010654954 7200 Comment Batch 450: HAPPI 1.5 decade SAM region: 13 month simulation with 14 month naturalized ancillaries (Dec 1985 - Dec 2015). Batch 449: SAS50 30 year Natural Climatology: 13 month simulation with 14 month naturalized ancillaries (Dec 1985 - Dec 2015). Batch 448: SAS50 30 year GHG-only Climatology: 13 month simulation with 14 month ancillaries without anthropogenic aerosols (Dec 1985 - Dec 2015). Batch 447: [Batch not present.] Batch 446: Generate WUS restarts: Generate historical sept restart file for WUS region. Batch 445: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast August 2016: 1 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for September 2016 restarts. Batch 444: [Batch not present.] Batch 443: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast August 2016: 1 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for September 2016 restarts. Batch 442: WAH2 South America 2003-2014: 2nd Gen WAH2 South America climatology for 2003-2014. Batch 441: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast August-October 2016: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting August 2016. Batch 440: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast August-October 2016: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting August 2016. Batch 439: HAPPI 2C experiment: 13 month simulation with HAPPI ancils over SAS region (2 degree). Batch 438: WAH2 Mexico Test: Test new Mexico region start dump. Batch 437: WAH2 Mexico Test: Test new Mexico region start dump. Batch 436: Mexico 50km Natural simulations 1931, 1934, 1936: 13 month naturalized HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1930 to 12/1931, 12/1933 to 12/1934 and 12/1935 to 12/1936. Batch 435: Mexico 50km Actual simulations: 1931, 1934, 1936: 13 month HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1930 to 12/1931, 12/1933 to 12/1934 and 12/1935 to 12/1936. Batch 434: Dubai region no-aerosol test: Testing new no-aerosol SSTs. Batch 433: ACE spinup Natural 2015: 12 month simulation with natural ancils over Dubai region. Batch 432: HAPPI 1.5 decade SAS: 13 month simulation with HAPPI ancils over South Asia region. Batch 431: HAPPI 1.5 decade: 13 month simulations for 2090-2099 with HAPPI ancils over Dubai region. Batch 430: HAPPI historical decade: 13 month simulation with HAPPI ancils over Dubai region. Batch 429: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast July 2016: 1 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for August 2016 restarts. Batch 428: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast July 2016: 1 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for August 2016 restarts. Batch 427: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast July 2016: 1 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for August 2016 restarts. Batch 426: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast July-September 2016: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting July 2016. |
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Batches 451-475 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 475 23-Nov-16 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_a4zb_20319_16_475_010790417 260 474 23-Nov-16 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 16 month wah2_wus25_a4zb_20319_16_474_010790157 260 473 22-Nov-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_lsgc_201610_1_473_010790037 120 472 18-Nov-16 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_a4z2_20399_24_472_010790028 9 471 16-Nov-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_lsd0_201610_1_471_010789908 120 470 16-Nov-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_lmt0_201610_3_470_010782708 7200 469 16-Nov-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_lk10_201610_3_469_010779108 3600 468 16-Nov-16 WAH2 8.24 CAFR 25 km 13 month wah2_cafr25_a000_201112_13_468_010778708 400 467 16-Nov-16 WAH2 8.12 MEX 25 km 5 month wah2_mex25_a012_200312_5_467_010778691 17 466 11-Nov-16 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 24 month wah2_wus25_t04r_19869_24_466_010778551 140 464 08-Nov-16 WAH2 8.12 NAWA 25 km 1 month wah2_nawa25_brar_200712_1_464_010778541 10 463 03-Nov-16 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_a4wq_20319_24_463_010778457 84 462 19-Oct-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 8 month wah2_sas50_ld14_201512_8_462_010769757 8700 461 18-Oct-16 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 8 month wah2_sas50_l8k0_201512_8_461_010763957 5800 460 17-Oct-16 WAH2 8.12 EU-r 50 km 13 month wah2_eu50r_b000_198512_13_460_010762307 1650 459 17-Oct-16 WAH2 8.12 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_b000_198512_13_459_010760657 1650 458 14-Oct-16 WAH2 8.12 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_b000_198512_13_458_010759007 1650 457 13-Oct-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_l8gc_20169_1_457_010758887 120 456 13-Oct-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 1 month hadam3p_eu_l8d0_20169_1_456_010758767 120 455 12-Oct-16 WAH2 8.12 CAM 50 km 13 month wah2_cam50_l8n0_192012_13_455_010747576 11191 454 04-Oct-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_l2t0_20169_3_454_010740376 7200 453 04-Oct-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_l010_20169_3_453_010736776 3600 452 27-Sep-16 WAH2 8.19 PNW 25 km 49 month wah2_pnw25_c000_200312_49_452_010735978 798 451 26-Sep-16 WAH2 8.12 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_a000_198512_13_451_010734328 1650 Comment Batch 475: RCP8.5 wateryear pre-release: RCP8.5 wateryear pre-release. Batch 474: RCP8.5 wateryear pre-release: RCP8.5 wateryear pre-release. Batch 473: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast October 2016: 1 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for November 2016 restarts. Batch 472: gen future restarts: generate future restarts. Batch 471: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast October 2016: 1 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for November 2016 restarts. Batch 470: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast October-December 2016: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting October 2016. Batch 469: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast October-December 2016: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting October 2016. Batch 468: WAH2 Central Africa 25km 2012-2015: Evaluation of WAH2 Africa 25km model for 2012-2015 (starting dec 2011). Batch 467: Mexico 25km anthro spinup: Spinup for the anthropogenic forced experiment. Batch 466: Historical WUS baseline: Historical WUS baseline. Batch 465: [Batch not present.] Batch 464: HAPPI historical decade, testing restarts: 1 month simulation with HAPPI ancils over Dubai region. Batch 463: Test future SST/SICE/restarts: Test future SST/SICE/restarts. Batch 462: South Asia NATURAL 2015/12-2016/07: South Asia 50km, 8 month simulation with 14 month OSTIA SST and cyclic sea ice ancillaries. Batch 461: South Asia ACTUAL 2015/12-2016/07: South Asia 50km, 8 month simulation with 14 month OSTIA SST and sea ice ancillaries. Batch 460: WAH2 Europe 50km 1986-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 Europe 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Region 'r' is rotated relative to wah1. Batch 459: WAH2 Africa 50km 1986-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 Africa 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Updated region around lake Victoria. Batch 458: WAH2 Africa 50km 1986-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 Africa 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Updated region around lake Victoria. Batch 457: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast September 2016: 1 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for October 2016 restarts. Batch 456: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast September 2016: 1 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice for October 2016 restarts. Batch 455: Central America simulations for 28 year Climatology 12/1920-12/1948: Central America (50km), 28 years of 13 month HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1930 to 12/1948. Batch 454: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast September-November 2016: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting September 2016. Batch 453: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast September-November 2016: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting September 2016. Batch 452: TRIFFID parameter sensitivity tests: Testing parameter sensitivity in TRIFFID. Batch 451: WAH2 Africa 50km 1986-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 Africa 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). |
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Batches 476-500 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 500 23-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_l000_198512_13_500_010841361 1440 499 23-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 13 month wah2_eas50_a000_198612_13_499_010834305 7056 498 19-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_s000_19869_16_498_010834015 290 497 19-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 25 month wah2_wus25_t3hb_19969_25_497_010833835 180 496 18-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 3 month wah2_eu50r_m1eg_201612_3_496_010827595 6240 495 18-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 3 month wah2_eu50r_lz20_201612_3_495_010824555 3040 494 17-Jan-17 WAH2 8.12 NAWA 25 km 12 month wah2_nawa25_cqjf_209312_12_494_010824017 538 493 13-Jan-17 WAH2 8.12 NAWA 25 km 12 month wah2_nawa25_brar_200712_12_493_010823710 307 492 06-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 13 month wah2_eu50r_e800_201512_13_492_010823470 240 491 06-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 NAWA 25 km 13 month wah2_nawa25_a000_209012_13_491_010820470 3000 490 21-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 13 month wah2_eu50r_e000_198612_13_490_010815830 4640 489 19-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_a000_201212_12_489_010815665 165 488 19-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_g000_201212_12_488_010815431 234 487 19-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_n000_201212_12_487_010815197 234 486 14-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 13 month wah2_eas50_a000_198512_13_486_010813547 1650 485 13-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 48 month wah2_pnw25_c0m6_200312_48_485_010812749 798 484 12-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_zmkb_199512_24_484_010812639 110 483 12-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 1 month wah2_global_t000_201112_1_483_010811287 1352 482 09-Dec-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_lt0c_201611_3_482_010804087 7200 481 09-Dec-16 HADAM3P 7.28 EU 3 month hadam3p_eu_lt10_201611_3_481_010800487 3600 480 06-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 1 month wah2_global_t000_201112_1_480_010799487 1000 478 05-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_a8f7_20569_16_478_010799337 150 [Batch continued.] 479 01-Dec-16 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 25 month wah2_wus25_t08n_19869_25_479_010795137 4200 478 30-Nov-16 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_a56j_20319_16_478_010790937 4200 476 24-Nov-16 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_a4zb_20319_16_476_010790677 260 Comment Batch 500: WAH2 Africa 50km 1986-2009: Spin up runs for WAH2 Africa 50km climatology for 1986-2009 (starting dec 1985). Batch 499: WAH2 East Asia 50km 1987-2015: 2nd generation WAH2 East Asia 50km climatology for 1987-2015 (starting dec 1986). Batch 498: RCP8.5 pnw hydroclimate baseline: RCP8.5 pnw hydroclimate baseline. Batch 497: historic WUS barkbeetle attribution prerelease: historic WUS barkbeetle attribution prerelease. Batch 496: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast Dec 2016-Feb 2017: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting December 2016. Batch 495: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast Dec 2016-Feb 2017: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting December 2016. Batch 494: HAPPI 1.5 decade: 12 month simulation with HAPPI ancils over Dubai region. Batch 493: HAPPI historical decade 2nd gen: 12 month simulation with HAPPI ancils over Dubai region, second generation. Batch 492: WAH2 Europe 50km, Climatology: 2nd Gen WAH2 Europe 50km (rotated region) climatology for 1987-2015. Batch 491: HAPPI 2C experiment: Spin up runs for WAH2 North Africa / West Asia 25km (2 degree). Batch 490: WAH2 Europe 50km, Climatology: 2nd Gen WAH2 Europe 50km (rotated region) climatology for 1987-2015. Batch 489: WAH2 East Asia 50km updated SO2 2013-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 East Asia 50km with ECIPLSE SO2 for 2013-2015 (starting dec 2012). Batch 488: WAH2 East Asia 50km GHG only 2013-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 East Asia 50km GHG only for 2013-2015 (starting dec 2012). Batch 487: WAH2 East Asia 50km Natural 2013-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 East Asia 50km Naturals for 2013-2015 (starting dec 2012). Batch 486: WAH2 East Asia 50km 1986-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 East Asia 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Batch 485: TRIFFID parameter sensitivity 2: TRIFFID parameter sensitivity 2. Batch 484: HIstoric standard physics baseline: Historic standard physics baseline. Batch 483: WAH2 Global 2011-2014: WAH2 Global model, one month runs for 2011-2014, resend of batch 480. Batch 482: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast Nov 2016-Jan 2017: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting November 2016. Batch 481: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast Nov 2016-Jan 2017: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting November 2016. Batch 480: WAH2 Global 2012-2015: WAH2 Global model, one month runs for 2011-2014. Batch 479: historical WUS baseline: historical WUS baseline. Batch 478: RCP8.5 water year full release: RCP8.5 water year full release. Batch 477: [Batch not present.] Batch 476: RCP8.5 wateryear pre-release: RCP8.5 wateryear pre-release. |
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Batches 501-525 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 525 10-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_200412_145_525_010919873 200 524 10-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_200412_145_524_010919673 200 523 10-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_200412_145_523_010919473 200 522 10-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_522_010919273 200 521 10-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_521_010919073 200 520 10-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_520_010918873 200 519 10-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_519_010918673 200 518 10-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_200412_145_518_010918473 200 517 09-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 25 month wah2_global_a001_199812_25_517_010917973 500 516 09-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 25 month wah2_global_a001_199812_25_516_010917473 500 515 08-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 ANZ 50 km 8 month wah2_anz50_c000_200312_8_515_010916813 660 514 07-Feb-17 HADCM3S 8.29 168 month hadcm3s_7000_200012_168_514_010906657 10156 513 06-Feb-17 HADCM3S 8.29 24 month hadcm3s_7000_200012_24_513_010906640 17 512 05-Feb-17 HADCM3S 8.29 24 month hadcm3s_7000_200012_24_512_010906616 24 511 03-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_s082_19869_16_511_010902266 4350 510 03-Feb-17 HADCM3S 8.29 168 month hadcm3s_7000_200012_168_510_010892110 10156 508 01-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 25 month wah2_wus25_t3mb_19969_25_508_010884910 7200 507 27-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 10 month wah2_eas50_e000_201312_10_507_010879025 5885 506 26-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 10 month wah2_eas50_g000_201312_10_506_010865921 13104 505 26-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 10 month wah2_eas50_n000_201312_10_505_010853441 12480 504 25-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 9 month wah2_afr50_t930_201512_9_504_010853361 80 503 25-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 9 month wah2_afr50_t900_201512_9_503_010853281 80 502 25-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_t300_201412_13_502_010846001 7280 501 25-Jan-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_t000_201412_13_501_010842801 3200 Comment Batch 525: HAPPI Present day SST, natural ghg: Global model HAPPI present day SST, natural ghg runs. Batch 524: HAPPI Present day ghg, natural SST: Global model HAPPI present day ghg, natural SST runs. Batch 523: HAPPI All natural: Global model HAPPI all natural runs. Batch 522: HAPPI1.5 Global with increased CO2: Global model HAPPI1.5 runs with increased CO2. Batch 521: HAPPI1.5 Global with decreased CO2: Global model HAPPI1.5 runs with decreased CO2. Batch 520: HAPPI1.5 Global: Global model HAPPI1.5 runs. Batch 519: HAPPI2.0 Global: Global model HAPPI2.0 runs. Batch 518: HAPPI Present day Global: Global model HAPPI present day runs. Batch 517: Random Perturbation Method 500 Member Ensemble: 500 member ensemble with randomly perturbed SSTs. Batch 516: Random Perturbation Method 500 Member Ensemble: 500 member ensemble with randomly perturbed SSTs. Batch 515: WAH2 Australia/New Zealand 50km 2004-2014: Spin up runs for WAH2 Australia/New Zealand 50km climatology for 2004-2014 (starting dec 2003). Batch 514: HadCM3S TCRE historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment. Batch 513: HadCM3S TCRE historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment. Batch 512: HadCM3S 8.29 TCRE ancil test: HadCM3S 8.29 ancil test for TCRE historical. Batch 511: [No batch description.] Batch 510: HadCM3S TCRE historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment. Batch 509: [Batch not present.] Batch 508: historic WUS barkbeetle attribution fullrelease: historic WUS barkbeetle attribution fullrelease. Batch 507: WAH2 East Asia 50km updated SO2 2014-2016: 2nd generation WAH2 East Asia 50km with ECIPLSE SO2 for 2014-2016 (starting dec 2013). Batch 506: WAH2 East Asia 50km GHG only 2014-2016: 2nd generation WAH2 East Asia 50km GHG only runs for 2014-2016 (starting dec 2013). Batch 505: WAH2 East Asia 50km Natural 2014-2016: 2nd generation WAH2 East Asia 50km Naturals for 2014-2016 (starting dec 2013). Batch 504: WAH2 Africa 2016 spinup runs (natural): 2nd generation Africa 50km region simulations. Batch 503: WAH2 Africa 2016 spinup runs (actual): 2nd generation Africa 50km region simulations. Batch 502: WAH2 Africa 2015 attribution runs (natural): 2nd generation Africa 50km region simulations. Batch 501: WAH2 Africa 2015 attribution runs (actual): 2nd generation Africa 50km region simulations. |
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Batches 526-550 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 550 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 120 month wah2_cam50_s000_198512_120_550_010978965 10 549 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 120 month wah2_wus25_s000_198512_120_549_010978955 10 548 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 25 km 120 month wah2_cam25_s000_198512_120_548_010978945 10 547 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 120 month wah2_sam50_s000_198512_120_547_010978935 10 546 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 ANZ 50 km 120 month wah2_anz50_s000_198512_120_546_010978925 10 545 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 CAFR 25 km 120 month wah2_cafr25_s000_198512_120_545_010978915 10 544 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 NAWA 25 km 120 month wah2_nawa25_s000_198512_120_544_010978905 10 543 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 120 month wah2_eas50_s000_198512_120_543_010978895 10 542 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 120 month wah2_afr50_s000_198512_120_542_010978885 10 541 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 120 month wah2_sas50_s000_198512_120_541_010978875 10 540 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 120 month wah2_eu50r_s000_198512_120_540_010978865 10 539 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 120 month wah2_pnw25_s000_198512_120_539_010978855 10 538 06-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_g000_201112_12_538_010978777 78 537 06-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_n000_201112_12_537_010978699 78 536 06-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_a000_201112_12_536_010978621 78 535 27-Feb-17 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_mfd0_198512_13_535_010967311 11310 534 07-Apr-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 21 month wah2_wus25_t9he_199512_21_534_010980383 396 [Batch continued.] 534 24-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 21 month wah2_wus25_t97b_199512_21_534_010966948 363 533 17-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_zmnd_199512_24_533_010950448 16500 532 17-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 21 month wah2_pnw25_d08w_203112_21_532_010950232 216 531 16-Feb-17 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_mth4_201512_13_531_010941561 8671 530 16-Feb-17 WAH2 8.12 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_mp00_201512_13_530_010935761 5800 529 16-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 21 month wah2_pnw25_d020_198312_21_529_010935513 248 528 13-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 3 month wah2_eu50r_m9t0_20171_3_528_010928313 7200 527 13-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 3 month wah2_eu50r_m710_20171_3_527_010924713 3600 526 13-Feb-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_s3kw_20319_16_526_010920073 4640 Comment Batch 550: WAH2 cam50 generic spinup: WAH2 Central America 50km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 549: WAH2 wus25 generic spinup: WAH2 Western US 25km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 548: WAH2 cam25 generic spinup: WAH2 Central America 25km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 547: WAH2 sam50 generic spinup: WAH2 South America 50km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 546: WAH2 anz50 generic spinup: WAH2 Australia/New Zealand 50km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 545: WAH2 cafr25 generic spinup: WAH2 Central Africa 25km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 544: WAH2 nawa25 generic spinup: WAH2 North Africa/West Asia 25km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 543: WAH2 eas50 generic spinup: WAH2 East Asia 50km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 542: WAH2 afr50l generic spinup: WAH2 Africa 50km with raised Lake Victoria spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 541: WAH2 sas50 generic spinup: WAH2 South Asia 50km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 540: WAH2 eu50r generic spinup: WAH2 Europe 50km rotated spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 539: WAH2 pnw25 generic spinup: WAH2 Pacific North West 25km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 538: WAH2 East Asia 2013 GHG spin-up: WAH2 Attribution over East-Asia 2013:Spin-Up for GHG. Batch 537: WAH2 East Asia 2013 NAT spin-up: WAH2 Attribution over East-Asia 2013:Spin-Up for NAT. Batch 536: WAH2 East Asia 2013 ACT spin-up: WAH2 Attribution over East-Asia 2013:Spin-Up for ACT. Batch 535: SAS50 updated 30 year Natural Climatology: 13 month simulation with 14 month naturalized ancillaries (Dec 1985 - Dec 2015) Batch 534: WUS barkbeetle attribution NATclim spinup: WUS barkbeetle attribution NATclim spinup. Batch 533: global perturbed physics phase3: global perturbed physics phase3. Batch 532: Generate future pnw restarts: Generate future pnw restarts. Batch 531: SAS50 Natural OSTIA Dec 2015-Dec 2016 (renewal batch 462): 13 month NAT simulation with 14 month naturalized OSTIA SST and cyclic Sea ice. Batch 530: SAS50 Actual OSTIA Dec 2015-Dec 2016 (renewal batch 461): 13 month ACT simulation with 14 month OSTIA SST and Sea ice. Batch 529: Generate historic pnw restarts: Generate historic pnw restarts. Batch 528: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast Jan-Mar 2017: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting January 2017. Batch 527: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast Jan-Mar 2017: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting January 2017. Batch 526: [No batch description.] |
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Batches 551-575 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 575 20-May-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 12 month wah2_cam50_jx00_193312_12_575_011032587 2000 574 19-May-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 12 month wah2_cam50_ix00_193012_12_574_011030587 2000 573 19-May-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 12 month wah2_cam50_kx00_193512_12_573_011028587 2000 572 19-May-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 12 month wah2_cam50_jx00_193312_12_572_011026587 2000 571 19-May-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 12 month wah2_cam50_ix00_193012_12_571_011024587 2000 570 16-May-17 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 3 month wah2_eu50r_mw10_20174_3_570_011020987 3600 569 16-May-17 WAH2 8.24 EU-r 50 km 3 month wah2_eu50r_myt0_20174_3_569_011013787 7200 568 15-May-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_g000_201212_12_568_011012047 1740 567 15-May-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_n000_201212_12_567_011010307 1740 566 15-May-17 WAH2 8.24 EAS 50 km 12 month wah2_eas50_a000_201212_12_566_011008567 1740 565 03-May-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 21 month wah2_pnw25_h000_198312_21_565_011008381 186 565 26-Apr-17 HADCM3S 8.34 1 month hadcm3s_a00m_198012_1_565_011008381 3 564 15-Apr-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_8000_201412_120_564_011002307 6074 563 13-Apr-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 50 km 4 month wah2_eu50r_mi60_20172_4_563_010995107 7200 562 13-Apr-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 50 km 4 month wah2_eu50r_mfe0_20172_4_562_010991507 3600 561 13-Apr-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 50 km 13 month wah2_eu50r_mqi0_201512_13_561_010984487 7020 560 13-Apr-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 50 km 13 month wah2_eu50r_mnq0_201512_13_560_010980887 3600 559 12-Apr-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_8000_201412_120_559_010980779 108 558 24-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 2 month wah2_global_t960_20168_2_558_010980006 377 557 17-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 2 month wah2_global_t900_20168_2_557_010979803 203 556 17-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 3 month wah2_global_t900_20167_3_556_010979595 208 555 14-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_200412_145_555_010979395 200 554 14-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 133 month wah2_global_a001_199412_133_554_010979195 200 553 14-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 133 month wah2_global_a001_198512_133_553_010978995 200 552 14-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 25 km 120 month wah2_cam25_s000_198512_120_552_010978985 10 551 13-Mar-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 25 km 120 month wah2_eu25_s000_198512_120_551_010978975 10 Comment Batch 575: MEX50 Actual HadISST2 simulations 12/1933-12/1934, but using 1980-2000 GHGs: 13 month HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1933 to 12/1934. Batch 574: MEX50 Actual HadISST2 simulations 12/1930-12/1931, but using 1980-2000 GHGs: 13 month HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1930 to 12/1931. Batch 573: MEX50 Actual HadISST2 simulations 12/1935-12/1936, but using 1980-2000 GHGs: 13 month HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1935 to 12/1936. Batch 572: MEX50 Actual HadISST2 simulations 12/1933-12/1934, but using 1980-2000 GHGs: 13 month HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1933 to 12/1934. Batch 571: MEX50 Actual HadISST2 simulations 12/1930-12/1931, but using 1980-2000 GHGs: 13 month HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1930 to 12/1931. Batch 570: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast Apr-Jun 2017: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting April 2017. Batch 569: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast Apr-Jun 2017: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting April 2017. Batch 568: WAH2 East Asia 2013 GHG: WAH2 Attribution run over East Asia 2013: restarts from 13 out of 78 ensembles of batch 538. Batch 567: WAH2 East Asia 2013 NAT: WAH2 Attribution run over East Asia 2013: restarts from 13 out of 78 ensembles of batch 537. Batch 566: WAH2 East Asia 2013 ACT: WAH2 Attribution run over East Asia 2013: restarts from 13 out of 78 ensembles of batch 536. Batch 565: Generate historic pnw restarts: Generate historic pnw restarts. Batch 565: Backup Site Deployment Test: Generic test for deploying workunits from the backup site. Batch 564: HadCM3S TCRE historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment. Batch 563: EU Natural GloSea5 forecast Feb-May 2017: 4 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting February 2017. Batch 562: EU Actual GloSea5 forecast Feb-May 2017: 4 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting February 2017. Batch 561: EU Natural OSTIA runs Dec 2015-Dec 2016: 13 month OSTIA naturalized simulations with SSTs and Sea ice starting DEC 2015. Batch 560: EU Actual OSTIA runs Dec 2015-Dec 2016: 13 month simulations with OSTIA SSTs and Sea ice starting DEC 2015. Batch 559: HadCM3S TCRE historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment. Batch 558: WAH2 Global 2016 Dynamics NAT: WAH2 Global model, 2 month runs for 2016-08 to 2016-09, natural scenario. Batch 557: WAH2 Global 2016 Dynamics: WAH2 Global model, 3 month runs for 2016-07 to 2016-09. Batch 556: WAH2 Global 2016 Dynamics: WAH2 Global model, 3 month runs for 2016-07 to 2016-09. Batch 555: HAPPI Global Bias Correction 2005-2016: Global model HAPPI Bias Correction 2005-2016. Batch 554: HAPPI Global Bias Correction 1995-2005: Global model HAPPI Bias Correction 1995-2005. Batch 553: HAPPI Global Bias Correction 1986-1996: Global model HAPPI Bias Correction 1986-1996. Batch 552: WAH2 cam25 generic spinup: WAH2 Central America 25km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 551: WAH2 eu25 generic spinup: WAH2 Europe 25km spin up, 1985-1995. |
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Batches 576-600 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 600 11-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 3 month wah2_sas50_nde0_201706_3_600_011111275 3600 599 11-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a198_203412_120_599_011310089 1628 [Batch continued.] 599 10-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a18y_203412_120_599_011309879 10 [Batch continued.] 599 29-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a18p_203412_120_599_011281400 9 [Batch continued.] 599 12-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a183_203412_120_599_011239871 22 [Batch continued.] 599 01-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a178_203412_120_599_011227041 31 [Batch continued.] 599 23-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a15n_203412_120_599_011216535 57 [Batch continued.] 599 10-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a14s_203412_120_599_011204631 31 [Batch continued.] 599 07-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a12r_203412_120_599_011165987 73 [Batch continued.] 599 31-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a0vr_203412_120_599_011142520 252 [Batch continued.] 599 18-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a0ou_203412_120_599_011122908 249 [Batch continued.] 599 12-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a02x_203412_120_599_011122119 789 [Batch continued.] 599 03-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_a000_203412_120_599_011110993 105 598 01-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 9 month wah2_sam50_s0go_198512_9_598_011109973 1020 597 30-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 5 month wah2_sas50_a000_200912_5_597_011109773 200 596 30-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 9 month wah2_sam50_s000_198512_9_596_011109173 600 595 04-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_91mi_202412_120_595_011111098 177 [Batch continued.] 595 27-Jun-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_9000_202412_120_595_011107081 2092 [Batch split.] 595 26-Jun-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_2000_202412_120_595_011107069 12 594 22-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 NAM 50 km 120 month wah2_nam50_s000_198512_120_594_011107059 10 593 22-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 25 km 120 month wah2_sam25_s000_198512_120_593_011107049 10 592 21-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 8 month wah2_sas50_n7t0_201612_8_592_011099849 7200 591 21-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 8 month wah2_sas50_n510_201612_8_591_011096249 3600 590 19-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 8 month wah2_sas50_n7t0_201612_8_590_011089049 7200 589 19-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 8 month wah2_sas50_n510_201612_8_589_011085449 3600 588 14-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 49 month wah2_pnw25_c20u_200312_49_588_011083949 1500 587 05-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 49 month wah2_pnw25_c200_200312_49_587_011060399 30 586 05-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 NAWA 25 km 13 month wah2_nawa25_a000_209112_13_586_011058239 2160 585 08-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_h07u_198609_16_585_011079149 4800 [Batch continued.] 585 02-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_h05c_198609_16_585_011058149 90 584 02-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 120 month wah2_pnw25_s000_198512_120_584_011058139 10 583 07-Jun-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 25 month wah2_wus25_ta4h_199609_25_583_011060429 18720 [Batch continued.] 583 31-May-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 25 month wah2_wus25_t9sh_199609_25_583_011057707 432 582 31-May-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 13 month wah2_sam50_s000_198512_13_582_011057257 450 581 31-May-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 120 month wah2_wus25_s000_198512_120_581_011057247 10 579 31-May-17 WAH2 8.24 ANZ 50 km 8 month wah2_anz50_c000_200312_8_579_011056587 660 578 30-May-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 25 month wah2_global_b001_199812_25_578_011046587 10000 577 30-May-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 25 month wah2_global_b001_199812_25_577_011036587 10000 576 20-May-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 12 month wah2_cam50_kx00_193512_12_576_011034587 2000 Comment Batch 600: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Jun 2017-Aug 2017: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Jun 2017. Batch 599: HadCM3S TCRE historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment. Batch 598: WAH2 South America 50km 1986-2015: Spin up to generate sep restarts for WAH2 South America 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Batch 597: Actual WAH2 South Asia 50km 2009: Spin-up actual WAH2 South Asia 50km 2009. Batch 596: WAH2 South America 50km 1986-2015: Spin up to generate sep restarts for WAH2 South America 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Batch 595: HadCM3S TCRE historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment. Batch 594: WAH2 nam50 generic spinup: WAH2 North America 50km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 593: WAH2 sam25 generic spinup: WAH2 South America 25km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 592: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Dec 2016-Jul 2017: 5 month naturalized OSTIA plus 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Dec 2016. Batch 591: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Dec 2016-Jul 2017: 5 months OSTIA plus 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Dec 2017. Batch 590: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Dec 2016-Jul 2017: 5 month naturalized OSTIA plus 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Dec 2016. Batch 589: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Dec 2016-Jul 2017: 5 monhts OSTIA plus 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Dec 2017. Batch 588: triffid PPE: triffid PPE. Batch 587: Testing triffid PPE: Testing triffid PPE. Batch 586: HAPPI 2 degrees North Africa/West Asia: HAPPI 2 degrees North Africa/West Asia for 2092-2100 (starting dec 2091). Batch 585: historic pnw baseline: historic pnw baseline. Batch 584: WAH2 pnw25t generic spinup with newsoilparam from LH: WAH2 PNW 25km with TRIFFID spin up with new soil parameter from LH, 1985-1995. Batch 583: WUS barkbeetle attribution NATclim prerelease: WUS barkbeetle attribution NATclim prerelease. Batch 582: WAH2 South America 50km 1986-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 South America 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Batch 581: WAH2 wus25t generic spinup with newsoilparam from LH: WAH2 Western US 25km with TRIFFID spin up with new soil parameter from LH, 1985-1995. Batch 580: [Batch not present.] Batch 579: WAH2 Australia/New Zealand 50km 2004-2014: Spin up runs for WAH2 Australia/New Zealand 50km climatology for 2004-2014 (starting dec 2003). Batch 578: Random Perturbation Method 10000 Member Ensemble: 10000 member ensemble with randomly perturbed SSTs. Batch 577: Random Perturbation Method 10000 Member Ensemble: 10000 member ensemble with randomly perturbed SSTs. Batch 576: MEX50 Actual HadISST2 simulations 12/1935-12/1936, but using 1980-2000 GHGs: 13 month HadISST2 SST and sea ice running from 12/1935 to 12/1936. |
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Batches 601-625 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 625 08-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_1500_209012_12_625_011166775 495 624 08-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_c000_200212_12_624_011166060 715 623 04-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 16 month wah2_global_a000_198612_16_623_011159135 6816 622 03-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 WUS 25 km 25 month wah2_wus25_t3mb_199609_25_622_011151935 7200 621 03-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 NAM 50 km 120 month wah2_nam50_s000_198512_120_621_011151925 10 620 02-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 60 month wah2_pnw25_d000_198512_60_620_011151865 60 619 01-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 16 month wah2_sam50_s000_198609_16_619_011142865 9000 618 20-Dec-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d0e0_205412_120_618_011381378 123 [Batch continued.] 618 27-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d0cc_205412_120_618_011363854 60 [Batch continued.] 618 20-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d08b_205412_120_618_011361373 145 [Batch continued.] 618 31-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d072_205412_120_618_011327723 45 [Batch continued.] 618 20-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d062_205412_120_618_011327408 36 [Batch continued.] 618 10-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d05d_205412_120_618_011309839 25 [Batch continued.] 618 29-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d04n_205412_120_618_011281438 26 [Batch continued.] 618 12-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d03a_205412_120_618_011239930 49 [Batch continued.] 618 01-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d02q_205412_120_618_011226982 20 [Batch continued.] 618 23-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d01h_205412_120_618_011216391 45 [Batch continued.] 618 10-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d00n_205412_120_618_011204514 30 [Batch continued.] 618 07-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d00f_205412_120_618_011165951 8 [Batch continued.] 618 31-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_d000_205412_120_618_011142505 15 617 25-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_kzq6_198512_13_617_011131195 11310 616 23-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 21 month wah2_pnw25_l000_198312_21_616_011130823 372 615 19-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_615_011130623 200 614 19-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_614_011130423 200 613 19-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_613_011130223 200 612 19-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_612_011130023 200 611 19-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_611_011129823 200 610 19-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_208812_145_610_011129623 200 609 19-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 145 month wah2_global_a001_200412_145_609_011129423 200 608 19-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 13 month wah2_sam50_s000_200312_13_608_011125913 3510 607 18-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 12 month wah2_sam50_2000_209012_12_607_011125418 495 606 18-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 12 month wah2_sam50_1500_209012_12_606_011124923 495 605 18-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_2000_209012_12_605_011124428 495 604 18-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_1500_209012_12_604_011123933 495 603 18-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 12 month wah2_sas50_c000_200212_12_603_011123218 715 602 20-Dec-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0u5_204412_120_602_011381501 32 [Batch continued.] 602 27-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0tb_204412_120_602_011363914 30 [Batch continued.] 602 20-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0qf_204412_120_602_011361636 104 [Batch continued.] 602 31-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0ht_204412_120_602_011327768 310 [Batch continued.] 602 20-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0dk_204412_120_602_011327444 153 [Batch continued.] 602 10-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0d5_204412_120_602_011309864 15 [Batch continued.] 602 29-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0cc_204412_120_602_011281409 29 [Batch continued.] 602 12-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0bb_204412_120_602_011239893 37 [Batch continued.] 602 01-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0a8_204412_120_602_011227002 39 [Batch continued.] 602 23-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c07h_204412_120_602_011216436 99 [Batch continued.] 602 10-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c052_204412_120_602_011204544 87 [Batch continued.] 602 07-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c04a_204412_120_602_011165959 28 [Batch continued.] 602 31-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c01p_204412_120_602_011142772 93 [Batch continued.] 602 18-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c000_204412_120_602_011123157 61 [Batch split.] 602 12-Jul-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_b000_204412_120_602_011122075 44 601 11-Jul-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 3 month wah2_sas50_ng60_201706_3_601_011114875 7200 Comment Batch 625: WAH2 Europe 25km 1.5 degree: Spin up runs for WAH2 Europe 25km 1.5 degree. Batch 624: WAH2 Europe 25km 2004-2014: Spin up runs for WAH2 Europe 25km climatology for 2004-2014 (starting dec 2003). Batch 623: GOTHAM Global 1987-2015: GOTHAM Global exercise 2 simulations for summer school 1987-2015 (starting dec 1986). Batch 622: historic WUS barkbeetle attribution fullrelease: historic WUS barkbeetle attribution fullrelease. Batch 621: WAH2 new nam50 generic spinup: WAH2 new North America 50km spin up, 1985-1995. Batch 620: Dynamic TRIFFID default parametersets: Dynamic TRIFFID default parametersets. Batch 619: WAH2 South America 50km TNC climatology 1986-2015: Second Generation runs for WAH2 South America 50km climatology TNC 1986-2015 (starting sep1986). Batch 618: HadCM3S TCRE adaptive future integration: HadCM3S Main Adaptive Experiment. Batch 617: New SAS50 30 year Natural Climatology: 13 month simulation with 14 month naturalized ancillaries (Dec 1985 - Dec 2015). Batch 616: Generate historic pnw restarts: Generate historic pnw restarts. Batch 615: HAPPI-LAND Plus20 SSP2: Global model HAPPI-LAND Plus20 with land use SSP2. Batch 614: HAPPI-LAND Plus20 SSP1: Global model HAPPI-LAND Plus20 with land use SSP1. Batch 613: HAPPI-LAND Plus20 Hist: Global model HAPPI-LAND Plus20 with land use hist. Batch 612: HAPPI-LAND Plus15 SSP2: Global model HAPPI-LAND Plus15 with land use SSP2. Batch 611: HAPPI-LAND Plus15 SSP1: Global model HAPPI-LAND Plus15 with land use SSP1. Batch 610: HAPPI-LAND Plus15 Hist: Global model HAPPI-LAND Plus15 with land use hist. Batch 609: HAPPI-LAND Hist: Global model HAPPI present day runs (hist). Batch 608: WAH2 South America 50km climatology 2003-2015: Second Generation runs for WAH2 South America 50km climatology for 2003-2015 (starting dec2003). Batch 607: WAH2 South America 50km 2 degree: Spin up runs for WAH2 South America 50km 2 degree. Batch 606: WAH2 South America 50km 1.5 degree: Spin up runs for WAH2 South America 50km 1.5 degree. Batch 605: WAH2 South Asia 50km 2 degree: Spin up runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km 2 degree. Batch 604: WAH2 South Asia 50km 1.5 degree: Spin up runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km 1.5 degree. Batch 603: WAH2 South Asia 50km 2003-2014: Spin up runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km climatology for 2003-2014 (starting dec 2002). Batch 602: HadCM3S TCRE adaptive future integration: HadCM3S Main Adaptive Experiment. Batch 601: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Jun 2017-Aug 2017: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Jun 2017. |
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Batches 626-650 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 650 23-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 60 month wah2_pnw25_d0jg_199012_60_650_011327597 80 [Batch split.] 650 18-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 60 month wah2_pnw25_d0jg_199012_60_650_011316457 80 [Batch split.] 650 20-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 60 month wah2_pnw25_d064_199012_60_650_011256160 80 [Batch continued.] 650 04-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 60 month wah2_pnw25_d01o_199012_60_650_011227081 160 649 20-Dec-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g01r_207412_120_649_011381241 24 [Batch continued.] 649 27-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g01n_207412_120_649_011363842 4 [Batch continued.] 649 20-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g01d_207412_120_649_011361334 10 [Batch continued.] 649 31-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g00t_207412_120_649_011327677 20 [Batch continued.] 649 20-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g00n_207412_120_649_011327389 6 [Batch continued.] 649 10-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g00k_207412_120_649_011309828 3 [Batch continued.] 649 29-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g009_207412_120_649_011281489 11 [Batch continued.] 649 12-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g005_207412_120_649_011239995 4 [Batch continued.] 649 01-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_g000_207412_120_649_011226977 5 648 01-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_s000_209112_13_648_011223797 3180 647 31-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_s000_209112_13_647_011220072 3725 646 31-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 25 km 13 month wah2_eu25_s000_200312_13_646_011216592 3480 645 19-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_l0s0_198609_16_645_011211872 4500 [Batch continued.] 645 14-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 16 month wah2_pnw25_l0fi_198609_16_645_011211422 450 644 11-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_k000_201512_13_644_011204662 6760 643 20-Dec-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f049_206412_120_643_011381265 113 [Batch continued.] 643 27-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f041_206412_120_643_011363846 8 [Batch continued.] 643 20-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f038_206412_120_643_011361344 29 [Batch continued.] 643 31-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f02i_206412_120_643_011327697 26 [Batch continued.] 643 20-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f025_206412_120_643_011327395 13 [Batch continued.] 643 10-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f01x_206412_120_643_011309831 8 [Batch continued.] 643 29-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f018_206412_120_643_011281464 25 [Batch continued.] 643 12-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f00s_206412_120_643_011239979 16 [Batch continued.] 643 01-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f00j_206412_120_643_011227072 9 [Batch continued.] 643 23-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_f000_206412_120_643_011216372 19 [Batch split.] 643 10-Aug-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_e000_206412_120_643_011204511 3 641 10-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_k600_201512_13_641_011200911 3600 640 10-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 ANZ 50 km 8 month wah2_anz50_i000_208912_8_640_011200306 605 639 10-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 ANZ 50 km 8 month wah2_anz50_h000_208912_8_639_011199701 605 638 10-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 ANZ 50 km 13 month wah2_anz50_c000_200408_13_638_011196905 2796 637 09-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 13 month wah2_sam50_s000_209112_13_637_011193835 3070 636 09-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 13 month wah2_sam50_s000_209112_13_636_011190385 3450 635 09-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_s000_209112_13_635_011187165 3220 634 09-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_s000_209112_13_634_011184015 3150 633 09-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 13 month wah2_sas50_s000_200312_13_633_011179315 4700 632 09-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 3 month wah2_sas50_noj0_201707_3_632_011172115 7200 631 09-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 3 month wah2_sas50_nlr0_201707_3_631_011168515 3600 630 08-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 4 month wah2_global_lq00_201005_4_630_011168285 230 629 08-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 4 month wah2_global_hq00_201005_4_629_011168115 170 628 08-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 4 month wah2_global_lc00_201005_4_628_011167935 180 627 08-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 GLOBAL (PNW) 25 km 4 month wah2_global_hc00_201005_4_627_011167765 170 626 08-Aug-17 WAH2 8.24 EU 25 km 12 month wah2_eu25_2000_209012_12_626_011167270 495 Comment Batch 650: Dynamic TRIFFID default parametersets: Dynamic TRIFFID default parametersets. Batch 649: HadCM3S TCRE adaptive future integration: HadCM3S Main Adaptive Experiment. Batch 648: WAH2 Europe 25km 2gen 2 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 2 degree runs for WAH2 Europe 25km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091). Batch 647: WAH2 Europe 25km 2gen 1.5 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 1.5 degree runs for WAH2 Europe 25km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091). Batch 646: WAH2 Europe 25km climatology 2003-2015: Second Generation runs for WAH2 Europe 25km climatology for 2003-2015 (starting dec2003). Batch 645: pnw hist baseline wsoil: pnw hist baseline wsoil. Batch 644: WAH2 Africa 2016 spinup runs (natural): 2nd generation Africa 50km region simulations. Batch 643: HadCM3S TCRE adaptive future integration: HadCM3S Main Adaptive Experiment. Batch 642: [Batch not present.] Batch 641: WAH2 Africa 2016 runs (actual): 2nd generation Africa 50km region simulations. Batch 640: WAH2 ANZ50 HAPPI2 spin-ups 2089-2099: Spin up runs for WAH2 ANZ50 HAPPI2 2089-2099 (starting Dec 2089), creating 1 Aug restarts. Batch 639: WAH2 ANZ50 HAPPI15 spin-ups 2089-2099: Spin up runs for WAH2 ANZ50 HAPPI15 2089-2099 (starting Dec 2089), creating 1 Aug restarts. Batch 638: WAH2 ANZ50 2004-2016: ANZ50 WAH2 HAPPI-Deep South 2nd generation climatology 2004-2016 (starting Aug 2004). Batch 637: WAH2 South America 50km 2gen 2 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 2 degree runs for WAH2 South America 50km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091). Batch 636: WAH2 South America 50km 2gen 1.5 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 1.5 degree runs for WAH2 South America 50km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091). Batch 635: WAH2 South Asia 50km 2gen 2 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 2 degree runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091). Batch 634: WAH2 South Asia 50km 2gen 1.5 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 1.5 degree runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091). Batch 633: WAH2 South Asia 50km climatology 2003-2015: Second Generation runs for WAH2 South Asia 50km climatology for 2003-2015 (starting dec2003). Batch 632: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Jul 2017-Sep 2017: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Jul 2017. Batch 631: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Jul 2017-Sep 2017: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Jul 2017. Batch 630: WAH2 Global 2010: 2nd generation WAH2 Global low correlation QRA fingerprint for 2010. Batch 629: WAH2 Global 2010: 2nd generation WAH2 Global high correlation QRA fingerprint for 2010. Batch 628: WAH2 Global 2010: 2nd generation WAH2 Global low correlation 2010 JJA for 2010. Batch 627: WAH2 Global 2010: 2nd generation WAH2 Global high correlation 2010 JJA for 2010. Batch 626: WAH2 Europe 25km 2 degree: Spin up runs for WAH2 Europe 25km 2 degree. |
Send message Joined: 18 Jul 13 Posts: 438 Credit: 25,919,008 RAC: 6,904 |
Thanks Iain, Does the size refer to the whole batch or to the specific App (ie. batch 626 app. WAH2 8.24 which is WIN, size 495)? |
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Thanks Iain, The Windows version number is reported because it is the most common, and therefore the most likely to be encountered when searching manually for the end of the batch. If I had to search for Linux and Mac version numbers as well then the process would take too long. One day I'll write a screen-scraper to collect all the relevant version numbers (and prove that batches aren't mixed, which is an assumption of the current method). So, yes, the batch size is for the whole batch - which, at the moment, can be downloaded by all platforms. Note that each post here lists 25 batches and they are edited as new batches are added. The edit does not trigger a message on the thread subscription, only a new post does that. That's why I sometimes post to the "new work" thread and link back here. |
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Batches 651-675 Batch Date App. Region Res. Period Name (1st) Size 675 18-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_1500_209112_13_675_011320437 3375 674 18-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 13 month wah2_afr50_h000_200312_13_674_011316537 3900 673 16-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 ANZ 50 km 13 month wah2_anz50_k000_209008_13_673_011314087 2370 672 16-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 ANZ 50 km 13 month wah2_anz50_j000_209008_13_672_011311717 2370 671 11-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 168 month hadcm3s_5000_200012_168_671_011309889 200 670 10-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 3 month wah2_sas50_oah0_201709_3_670_011306224 3600 669 10-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 3 month wah2_sas50_od90_201709_3_669_011299024 7200 668 05-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 50 km 13 month wah2_sam50_s000_200512_13_668_011295504 3520 667 01-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 13 month wah2_cam50_t000_201312_13_667_011295404 100 666 01-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_rfj1_200112_24_666_011281744 13660 665 10-Nov-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 60 month wah2_pnw25_d0f0_199512_60_665_011328288 400 [Batch continued.] 665 01-Oct-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 60 month wah2_pnw25_d08c_199512_60_665_011281504 240 664 28-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_r03h_199512_24_664_011256240 20000 663 20-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 25 km 13 month wah2_sam25_s000_198512_13_663_011254510 1650 [Batch split.] 663 20-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 25 km 13 month wah2_sam25_s000_198512_13_663_011254510 1650 [Batch split.] 663 20-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 SAM 25 km 13 month wah2_sam25_s000_198512_13_663_011254510 1650 662 19-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 50 km 13 month wah2_cam50_t000_193512_13_662_011254010 500 661 17-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 NAM 50 km 13 month wah2_nam50_n000_198512_13_661_011252360 1650 660 29-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 25 km 10 month wah2_cam25_o7uc_201701_10_660_011278040 3360 [Batch split.] 660 15-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 25 km 10 month wah2_cam25_o3v0_201701_10_660_011249000 3360 659 28-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 25 km 10 month wah2_cam25_o6gc_201701_10_659_011276240 1800 [Batch continued.] 659 15-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 CAM 25 km 10 month wah2_cam25_o2h0_201701_10_659_011247200 1800 658 15-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 49 month wah2_pnw25_c39p_190312_49_658_011240000 7200 657 20-Dec-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_i00r_208412_120_657_011381229 12 [Batch continued.] 657 27-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_i00p_208412_120_657_011363840 2 [Batch continued.] 657 20-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_c0qf_204412_120_657_011361518 118 [Batch split.] 657 20-Nov-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_i00b_208412_120_657_011361320 14 [Batch continued.] 657 20-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_i009_208412_120_657_011327387 2 [Batch continued.] 657 10-Oct-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_i005_208412_120_657_011309824 4 [Batch continued.] 657 29-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_i001_208412_120_657_011281500 4 [Batch split.] 657 12-Sep-17 HADCM3S 8.34 120 month hadcm3s_h000_208412_120_657_011239999 1 656 12-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 3 month wah2_sas50_nww0_201708_3_656_011232671 7200 655 12-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 SAS 50 km 3 month wah2_sas50_nu40_201708_3_655_011229071 3600 654 06-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 PNW 25 km 24 month wah2_pnw25_r000_199512_24_654_011228946 125 653 06-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 12 month wah2_afr50_2000_209012_12_653_011228451 495 652 06-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 12 month wah2_afr50_1500_209012_12_652_011227956 495 651 06-Sep-17 WAH2 8.24 AFR 50 km 12 month wah2_afr50_c000_200212_12_651_011227241 715 Comment Batch 675: WAH2 Africa 50km 2gen 1.5 degree 2091-2099: Second Generation 1.5 degree runs for WAH2 Africa 50km 2091-2099 (starting dec2091). Batch 674: WAH2 Africa 50km climatology 2003-2015: Second Generation runs for WAH2 Africa 50km climatology for 2003-2015 (starting dec2003). Batch 673: WAH2 ANZ50 HAPPI2 2nd gen 2090-2100: 2nd gen WAH2 ANZ50 HAPPI2 2090-2100 (starting Aug 2090). Batch 672: WAH2 ANZ50 HAPPI1.5 2nd gen 2090-2100: 2nd gen WAH2 ANZ50 HAPPI1.5 2090-2100 (starting Aug 2090). Batch 671: HadCM3S ChAAOS historical integration: HadCM3S Main Experiment. Batch 670: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Sep 2017-Nov 2017: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Sep 2017. Batch 669: SAS50 Natural GloSea5 forecast Sep 2017-Nov 2017: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Nov 2017. Batch 668: WAH2 South America 50km HAPPI Natural climatology 2005-2015: Second Generation runs for WAH2 South America 50km HAPPI Natural climatology for 2005-2015 (starting dec2005). Batch 667: WAH2 CAM 50km generate restarts for 2015 event: Spin up runs for WAH2 CAM 50km generate restarts for 2015 event (starting dec 2013). Batch 666: full-release of regional PPE: full-release of regional PPE. Batch 665: Dynamic TRIFFID default parametersets: Dynamic TRIFFID default parametersets. Batch 664: full-release of regional PPE: full-release of regional PPE. Batch 663: WAH2 South America 25km 1986-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 South America 25km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Batch 662: WAH2 CAM25 TITAN test restarts effect on 1936: small batch to test the effect of restarts on 1936 TITAN results. Batch 661: WAH2 North America 50km 1986-2015: Spin up runs for WAH2 North America 50km climatology for 1986-2015 (starting dec 1985). Batch 660: CAM25 Natural OSTIA/GloSea5 simulation Jan 2017-Oct 2017: 7 month naturalized OSTIA and 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Jan 2017. Batch 659: CAM25 Actual OSTIA/GloSea5 simulation Jan 2017-Oct 2017: 7 month OSTIA and 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Jan 2017. Batch 658: preindustrial triffid PPE: preindustrial triffid PPE. Batch 657: HadCM3S TCRE adaptive future integration: HadCM3S Main Adaptive Experiment. Batch 656: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Aug 2017-Oct 2017: 3 month naturalized GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Aug 2017. Batch 655: SAS50 Actual GloSea5 forecast Aug 2017-Oct 2017: 3 month GloSea SSTs and Sea ice starting Aug 2017. Batch 654: pre-release of regional PPE: pre-release of regional PPE. Batch 653: WAH2 Africa 50km 2 degree: Spin up runs for WAH2 Africa 50km 2 degree. Batch 652: WAH2 Africa 50km 1.5 degree: Spin up runs for WAH2 Africa 50km 1.5 degree. Batch 651: WAH2 Africa 50km 2004-2014: Spin up runs for WAH2 Africa 50km climatology for 2004-2014 (starting dec 2003). |
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