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Task search form and pagination

Task search form and pagination

Questions and Answers : Wish list : Task search form and pagination
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Message 58929 - Posted: 30 Oct 2018, 18:36:49 UTC

I could not find the older thread discussing these so I post them as wishes

1. I would like the search form for tasks Task name: to actually work and to be able to find a task by partial name. Currently after search for 13_742 the report is: Unable to handle request No such task: 13_742
2. I would like a pagination and sorting of tasks to be available by column name. Now my latest task are viewed by their ID number, if i switch to Name I see an alphabetical order and who knows where my latest WUs are. Before the BIG CRASH the pagination seemed to work just fine
ID: 58929 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote
Profile Iain Inglis
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Message 58933 - Posted: 31 Oct 2018, 10:00:42 UTC

As a work-around, there is a batch list thread on this message board, which is updated as each new batch is released. The limitations of BBCode formatting prevent links in tables, but the name of the first work unit is listed, so for Batch #759:

Name = hadcm3s_ca0_190012_24_759_011651112

Link =

Note: drop the leading zero in the work unit number.
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Message 59174 - Posted: 16 Dec 2018, 10:13:53 UTC - in response to Message 58933.  

Thanks Iain,

without knowing the WU's concrete number it would be difficult to pin point the task. But thanks again.
ID: 59174 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Questions and Answers : Wish list : Task search form and pagination
