Message boards : Number crunching : Irritated - some questions
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Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
I just finished a first work, wondering - that my task had been calculated before already with a failure. Why, as so much flops available, they aren't sent out twice = bigger option of a good clean result. - my pc was ready in about 7 days, but sill a lot units still in work Isn't it important to get fast results, as climate change IS FAST. Why not using the fastest PCs available when a new set is sent ? (WE all want to help, ok - I would evem use my slower PCs in same time to calculate a same set, so after another 10 days there is a proofed 2nd to check.) Greets to all here, I am in Thailand and a 9 year old daughter - and need to be prepared for this future to protect her. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
about me: I am 53, from Germany living since 13 years in Thailand. My first knowledge about something wrong was until 1990, as I visited every year glacier in Switzerland as saw the melting got faster, what couldn't be if temperatures are same = I knew so that it got warmer then before. As if the glacier would melt until an balance of existing temperatures, the lost should get less every summer. But it got more. In my years here in Thailand I then saw then from 2010 until now how weather patters change: * the monsoon got earlier, less strong, and * instead of no rain, even clouds around Chiangmai after 1.11. now the rain still comes back until New-year about every 12 days, and every year stronger. started with clouds, some drops until strong day lasting rain now. The Climate change is real ... and fast. I might die near normal with 90 years of age, but my daughter will face hard times and not sure if she might die normal with a good age. |
![]() Send message Joined: 15 May 09 Posts: 4555 Credit: 19,039,635 RAC: 18,944 |
I just finished a first work, wondering HI, welcome to the community here. CPDN doesn't send out two copies of a task to check because unless the computers are identical, the results won't be exactly the same. This is due to the complexities of climate and the way the programs are written. A complex statistical analysis is used to assess the validity of results. Sometimes a task crashing isn't a failure but because the conditions programmed into the model are pushing the boundaries of what is possible and an impossible climate e.g. a negative pressure is produced. Currently two of the tasks I am running have previously crashed. I think they will probably complete on my rather slower machines. Have a good read around the forums because they certainly contain answers to man of the questions I had. I still have questions from time to time! |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
CPDN doesn't send out two copies of a task to check because unless the computers are identical, the results won't be exactly the same. This is due to the complexities of climate and the way the programs are written. ... I have two I7-4770 with diff MB etc. also another 5-6 PC which are all diff in CPU, most also HP DELL acer ... . I guess to calculate 4 tasks with 2 diff downloads in fast 7 days would help a lot in speed (the main 2 diff downloads on the I7-4770) and calculate the same 2 on two other slower machines slower like 10 days, could help to force speed incl. save results. We need results, that we can prepare our-self. |
Send message Joined: 15 Jan 06 Posts: 637 Credit: 26,751,529 RAC: 653 |
I have two I7-4770 with diff MB etc. also another 5-6 PC which are all diff in CPU, most also HP DELL acer ... . If you look at the due dates, they are one year out. Speed is not their thing. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
If you look at the due dates, they are one year out. Speed is not their thing. THAT I saw. Wondering ! How to make sure the fast machines are on and ready to work when a new set is getting out ? Is there any other Boinc to support this direction ? - the other times most best is shut them down, and save electric. Thanks |
Send message Joined: 28 May 17 Posts: 49 Credit: 17,422,443 RAC: 2,301 |
If you look at the due dates, they are one year out. Speed is not their thing. I, and others, run other projects when there is no CPDN work available. CPDN has a lack of work, not a lack of CPU power. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
Irritation gets more ... I just got new Tasks 31 Jul 2019, 22:54:56 UTC, N144 resolution but my Work PC got them, crashed 3 times yet with 4 Tasks, but the other also running PC with same CPU got nothing. ??? At first, and after 2 restart even 4 tasks where running, now after again crash/freeze only 2 Task came up. - until now now new freeze. Error: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: did then sudo update upgrade ... see: https://www.cpdn.org/cpdnboinc/results.php?hostid=1487884 - show 4 When there isn't any logic behind all this: - why not both running fast PC got ? - why not any post about, or status page related ... still 53 to send ... or I am to dumb to read that page ... I have to rethink this engagement. I am not sure if I let PC run all time for that 7 days it might take (like before), or close at night. As there are still so much tasks in progress and I cant estimate if that are old ones on slow less time running PC, or there are often coming new ones so keeping that number high ? It is not fixing together that too much pc power and to less work ..., if then that in progress should reduce quite fast. |
Send message Joined: 5 Sep 04 Posts: 7629 Credit: 24,240,330 RAC: 0 |
error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: is because these models are 32 bits, and that missing lib is needed for that reason. ********************** The "53 waiting to send" is a BOINC anomaly. Apparently all projects have it, but it only shows up here because the download queue is actually empty. ********************** All computers are treated equally, fast or slow. It's not important, as long as they complete the tasks in a reasonable time. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: ? 2 Tasks are running but 4 not ... I am confused and try to update, or install too much possibilities and dependencies. Stopped All computers are treated equally, fast or slow. reasonable time: the new one have time until ? 13.07.2020 is see - wow, seams not to be urgent OK, sound nice all all same, is there any other selection like last contact of a computer to be selected ? Or just bad luck that of my 2 online just one got some ? (as the 2nd one "-32b" had no manager open and a older responce) added: I see at other thread, failed tasks are send new, ok - and go to computer just asked for work. Yes I followed the "UK Met Office HadAM4 at N144 resolution 0 310" started with 626 about, I was ready with my one just under 600, now is 310 ... |
![]() Send message Joined: 15 May 09 Posts: 4555 Credit: 19,039,635 RAC: 18,944 |
error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: If some task types crash with a missing lib message and others don't it is because those that don't don't need the one listed. and any others needed are already installed. If you run the following command Ubuntu 18.04, 10 and 19.04 (can't remember when it changed from a slightly different command.) sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5 lib32z1 lib32stdc++-6-dev It will install the 32bit libs for all the task types that require 32bit library files. Not all are required by all task types Or just bad luck that of my 2 online just one got some ? Yes, while the only tasks available are retreads, your computer has to ask for work immediately after the re-sends go out to get them. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
"sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5 lib32z1 lib32stdc++-6-dev" worked, but I guess I need to restart PC and boinc to make again 4 Tasks running, instead of the 2 now ... I wait for an freeze first, then I will see if still 2 or 4 Task again computers are asking, mean that is the most 1 hour under status "Communication deferred xx:xx:xx" ? and I guess that "1 hour" is set fixed. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
update, an electric shutdown 30 min, and restart computer made it, still only 2 Tasks on 8 CPU - so far a bit irritated why, how and if ... |
Send message Joined: 5 Sep 04 Posts: 7629 Credit: 24,240,330 RAC: 0 |
The work here is NOT from Oxford, it's from climate research centers around the world. Various climate physicists are working on different projects, and only submit work when they're ready to do so. At the moment, there is NO work available, so I don't know why you keep saying that your computers aren't getting any. Just wait until there IS more work. |
![]() Send message Joined: 15 May 09 Posts: 4555 Credit: 19,039,635 RAC: 18,944 |
computers are asking, Yes, the one hour is fixed or one hour and one minute to be precise. If you try a manual update within that time, it won't get work but it does start the, "hour" again. As Les says, there isn't any new work at the moment so anything you get will be retreads of tasks that have failed on other computers. With the Linux tasks I find the vast majority of these are ones that have failed due to the missing lib files. The good news is that your Linux boxes all have at least the minimum amount of memory to run the new 64bit tasks once they appear. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
as I found this Error while computing Tasks now in "/var/libs/boinc-client/projects/..." * does climateprediction know that also ? - and give them to someone else (already) ? * or are they checked and running later on my PC again and then reported as Error if cant (even with updated libs) - or can I force this 2 Tasks to restart, or to copy on other of my PC, so that they are ready more early ? |
![]() Send message Joined: 15 May 09 Posts: 4555 Credit: 19,039,635 RAC: 18,944 |
as I found this Error while computing Tasks now in Tasks sent to users computers from CPDN (and other projects for that matter) are assigned to a unique number for that computer and will if returned by another computer as an error. The link in your post gives an unable to handle request error so I can't be sure about what the error is. However of your tasks that have given errors apart from any missing library ones, they have failed with the same errors on other computers indicating that the problem is not with your machine. If they have reported as errors they will have been assigned to other computers unless as in one I looked at the task name ends in _2 which means it has had its three attempts and that is it. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
hmm, named https://www.cpdn.org/cpdnboinc/workunit.php?wuid=11885091 name hadam4_a0aq_201210_12_826_011885091 and https://www.cpdn.org/cpdnboinc/workunit.php?wuid=11885190 name hadam4_a0dh_201410_12_826_011885190 and on the other side I cant follow the 1 hour update, as now 3 PCs running 24/7 since last 10,5 hour electrical shutdown, AND sure also the boinc-manager is running with open window, and no power save etc. but * ID: 1487908: 3 Aug 2019, 23:34:39 UTC (a 24/7 game server) * ID: 1487884: 3 Aug 2019, 21:18:28 UTC (the one with 2 active Tasks) * ID: 1487933: 3 Aug 2019, 17:51:25 UTC (a 24/7 webserver) what ment 3.5 hours min. no connection, no update, ? - but all pc and network are online and active. Even no similar lost of connect timeout that would indicate that. |
Send message Joined: 4 Jul 19 Posts: 31 Credit: 252,192 RAC: 0 |
after again, the computer "web-server" had been 7 hours after actual "ready to work Tasks" in the list of my units, I shut it down. As basically I have normal 2 PC running 24/7 and would easy be available to work, but they are too often not "ready", and my work pc gets the Tasks, which I wanna to shutdown in the night but as I think climate change and its prediction is imminent to look for - I let it run when there are Tasks, I have to mark this pc no new Tasks, as this is against reduce climate change, when I polite the world with more CO2 then it makes sense. |
Send message Joined: 5 Sep 04 Posts: 7629 Credit: 24,240,330 RAC: 0 |
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but at the moment there isn't any work, and likely won't be for a few weeks. The only reason that you need a computer running, is if you have some work that hasn't been completed, and that's this computer: ID: 1487884 |
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