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Thread 'New Weather@Home app version 8.32 to be deployed'

Message boards : Number crunching : New Weather@Home app version 8.32 to be deployed
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Glenn Carver

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Message 71076 - Posted: 18 Jul 2024, 8:58:18 UTC

A heads up a new Weather@home app is going to be deployed. It'll be version 8.32 and will replace the version 8.29 currently in place for the region independent app.

This new app will be used for forthcoming East Asia 25km batches. It contains an important scientific fix compared to earlier batches which had a negative impact on the larger domains.

As it's new, it might trip any anti-virus software until it's in widespread use. It's been tested against VirusTotal but can still cause some anti-virus systems to treat it as suspicious.

The NZ25 batches will continue to use v8.24.
CPDN Visiting Scientist
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Message boards : Number crunching : New Weather@Home app version 8.32 to be deployed
