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Thread 'WINE or VM?'

Message boards : Number crunching : WINE or VM?
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ProfileDave Jackson
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Message 71091 - Posted: 23 Jul 2024, 9:42:05 UTC

With a previous machine (Ryzen7 with 32GB RAM I found tasks under WINE ran almost 20% faster than those using Tiny10 (cut down version of Windows) in a VM. This was fairly consistent over different Windows task types from CPDN. With my newer Ryzen9 there appears to be no difference. 4 tasks under WINE all show progress of 0.720%/hour as do 2 tasks in the VM.

Old machine is currently not easily useable and had problems so can't go back and check. Possibilities are that the new machine is nowhere near as close to using all resources in particular level III cache which may or may not have favoured the WINE tasks or, I may have had BOINC settings (not use at most xxx% of CPU time which I know was 100% for all) or possibly VM settings that influenced this.

My bets are on the greater level III cache with only 6 tasks running making the difference. I will continue to look at this and see if it changes when the next batch comes along and I can increase the number of cores that are crunching.
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Glenn Carver

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Message 71092 - Posted: 23 Jul 2024, 11:51:05 UTC - in response to Message 71091.  
Last modified: 23 Jul 2024, 11:52:27 UTC

Difference might be due to the process priority. On Windows the default is 'Low' and I get a speed boost changing it to 'Normal'. There's been a previous thread about this. I don't know how Wine would interpret process priority that the boinc client might try to set on linux.

I've tested a Win10 VM against Wine and Wine (not surprisingly) is faster. Less in the way of the bare metal.
CPDN Visiting Scientist
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Message boards : Number crunching : WINE or VM?
