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Posts by old_user1607

Posts by old_user1607

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Status of plans for shorter wus?
Message 27043
Posted 23 Feb 2007 by old_user1607

I did the deleting. (And it took a long time :( )
Your post, and a lot of others, was deleted because it wasn\'t relevant to the thread title, and referenced other posts which were deleted.
I also deleted some of mine for the same reason, along with perfectly reasonable posts by others for the same reason...


Thank you for your reply. I understand and do not disagree. However, given that there appears to be no other way to make such a comment (e.g., the red X on other projects, a generalized mod e-mail, etc.) outside of starting another thread which would seem to be a bit excessive, exactly how would one go about making a complaint about moderator behavior on this project?

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Status of plans for shorter wus?
Message 27030
Posted 23 Feb 2007 by old_user1607
This thread is now way off topic, and is becoming hostile.
Any more posts like the last few, and I\'ll delete the thread.

My post politely chastised a particular moderator for their tone and it was deleted. I would like to know why it was deleted (perhaps I left too much of the quoted material in?). I would also like to be reassured that it was not the chastised moderator who did the actual deleting.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Trojan boinc installation by rogue member
Message 26976
Posted 21 Feb 2007 by old_user1607
The day you have not one but 1458 computers attached to cpdn, you will be misused, mistrusted and mistreated for all your past misfeasance, mischief and misdemeanours.

Actually, you forgot to look at all hosts instead of the 1400+ from the last 30 days. Total hosts for this criminal are more than 5300.

On another note, for grant funded projects, I hope that staff are reporting this incident to their Principal Investigators. In many cases, grant funding organizations (especially government agencies) require the reporting of such illegal activities to at least the funding agency if not to the appropriate law enforcement organizations, regardless of whether or not the project itself is at fault or if prosecution will be pursued.

4) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC Version 5.8.8 Released
Message 26621
Posted 7 Feb 2007 by old_user1607
Just an FYI for those with service installs...the install would not work if the service was stopped, but ran flawlessly when left running.

I always stop the service before install. How are you stopping it? I open a command prompt and type in net stop boinc. Install over as a service again and it takes off no issues.

I had been stopping it using the administrative tools in control panel (Win XP Pro), but this didn\'t work with the 5.8.8 upgrade as the install hung. I always have gone through my upgrades doing the \'point and click\' method because I need my office machine to run a 3 minute delay (then blanked screen in 3 minute) password protected screensaver due to secure data issues on the machine. To do that with the service install, one has to change the log on to local systems account and allow the service to interact with the desktop. Having done the service install upgrade now to four boxes, it appears that the installer has no problem shutting down and restarting the service without manual intervention (3 boxes on Win XP Pro, 1 on Win2k Pro).

5) Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC Version 5.8.8 Released
Message 26579
Posted 4 Feb 2007 by old_user1607
No problem. As you have 5.4.11, simply stop the Model and boinc and make a backup. Install 5.8.8 over 5.4.11 and restart.

Just an FYI for those with service installs...the install would not work if the service was stopped, but ran flawlessly when left running.

6) Message boards : Number crunching : First phase of migration of BBC/CCE to cpdn and standard version of boinc
Message 26229
Posted 21 Jan 2007 by old_user1607
I also think something isn\'t quite right with the credits merger. I just noticed a drop of 5 positions in my sign-up date group even though almost nobody is active 5+ places above or below me. More importantly, my sign-up date is long before the BBC project ever how did the credit merger affect this?

7) Message boards : Number crunching : 20,000,000,000 Credits across ALL BOINC Projects
Message 25938
Posted 10 Jan 2007 by old_user1607
Wasn\'t the end of 2005 also when Seti classic turned off and a large group of those users joined? Of course that would have affected more than just cpdn.

I think the more likely effect from SETI@Home was the fallout of users leaving over the Crunch3r optimized client episode...several projects experienced unusual increases in users then (Nov. - Dec. of 2005).

8) Message boards : Number crunching : Credit questions from noob!
Message 24788
Posted 19 Oct 2006 by old_user1607
If you want it as a service install AND with a display, then you\'ll need to reinstall as astroWX said, but this time also select the option to interact with the desktop.

But I too forget the exact details. There may be a bit more to it.

To set the \"interact with the desktop\" option, you will need to change to the local system account (BOINC defaults to the user account active when installed as a service). Of course, you will also need to stop and restart the service.

contorl panel -> administrative tools -> services , then select properties for the BOINC service. The setting is under the LogOn tab.

This will allow graphics to work when running as a service (including the screensaver if desired).
9) Message boards : Number crunching : sulphur seems slower than slab
Message 18137
Posted 13 Dec 2005 by old_user1607

Given the extra length required for these sulphur models and the termination of slab model generation, wouldn\'t it make sense to update the technical requirements page. I don\'t believe that an 800Mhz machine will be able to finish one before the deadline (based on the fact that I have a 1Ghz box that is estimating exceeding the deadline by a few days or so). Or perhaps an update to provide model specific requirements?

10) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Signature Test: Please Ignore
Message 16122
Posted 19 Sep 2005 by old_user1607
test 2
11) Message boards : Cafe CPDN : Signature Test: Please Ignore
Message 16121
Posted 19 Sep 2005 by old_user1607
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Too much Credits granted ?
Message 6033
Posted 11 Nov 2004 by old_user1607
I think I should give a bit more detail on what I observed with my inflated credit...

First, the box is a P4HT 2.8 WinXP SP1, but running only one CPDN model (part time mostly since I particpate in 5 projects with that machine). I was watching pretty closely to see the 19th trickle come in. Before it came in, credit was as expected at about 76 per trickle. With the 19th trickle, credit increased by a large jump. FalconFly's note made me think to check the calculations, and his estimate of about 94 credit per trickle is dead on my total for 19 trickles on that box now. (I also noticed that the only other person in my team had a credit jump at about the same time...I think more than coincidentally).

Hopefully I will get another trickle from this box this afternoon or tomorrow (it is only on during business hours when I am in the office). I'm curious to see what credit the next one gets???
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Too much Credits granted ?
Message 6024
Posted 11 Nov 2004 by old_user1607 too.

I turned in one trickle this afternoon and my credits jumped by 400 or so. I think I have the answer though. It looks like, in addition to getting a new higher credit for each trickle (Carl had mentioned this possible adjustment in another thread soemtime ago), that all previous trickles have been adjusted upward to match the new credit. That is, all those previously completed trickles that got ~76 credits have been adjusted to the new credit level of ~94 credits. At least mine seem to add up that way.

14) Message boards : Number crunching : I want to upload results, but not download new model
Message 4437
Posted 21 Sep 2004 by old_user1607
> How do I do this? I'm not quitting the project, don't worry. I'm just
> planning to reformat my hard drive after my current model finishes, and so I
> don't want it to download a new model just to have me reformat the drive. I
> recall reading somewhere how each model we get is unique and so we're
> encouraged to finish them when we get them. I don't want to waste a unique
> model, so there must be some way to upload the results without downloading a
> new model. Then I'll download a new model after I've reformatted my HD.
> *AMD Athlon XP 3000+ 2.17 Ghz, crunching @ ~2.5 s/ts
> *Intel Pentium III 500 Mhz, crunching @ ~10.3 s/ts

I think that if you set your "keep enough work on disk to last..." to zero days no more work will be downloaded (someone correct me if I am wrong on this).

15) Message boards : Number crunching : Thread closed
Message 4020
Posted 13 Sep 2004 by old_user1607
> >***Perhaps but I doubt many agree. I gather you've not been reading the
> >commentary at SetiBOINC?***
> Yeah but that's mainly people complaining about BOINC troubles, i.e. servers
> down/no workunits, and thinking that BOINC "wasted time" working on "mobile
> phone stats" when in reality it's something I did (far out of the "mainstream
> BOINC" work) on the side just for fun. So it's just a misunderstanding; and
> not fair to blame the BOINC guys for that (or me --- it was just 15 minutes I
> wasted :-). I think they're too "mean" to the BOINC team (but my opinion is
> biased!)

Actually Carl, the original posting on the SETI news did not credit you. Thus, it looked like the S@H team (which has clearly lots of other work to do) had spent time on the cell phone feature. That is what initially upset many people there, and once the 'ball got rolling', few seemed to see the correction on the news posting giving you credit. (another example of their poorly managed PR?).

I am a bit surprised that you were not more upset at both the intitial lack of credit for the feature as well as at the continued attacking posts even after the news update.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Thread closed
Message 3767
Posted 10 Sep 2004 by old_user1607

Your point is well taken (I am new to CPDN since BOINC). Nevertheless, the forums only provide an indication of the most vocal users. Nothing is known about the silent masses...Also, the social aspects about distributed computing go far beyond the issue of a credting system (though that is definitiely part of it).


I agree with you about why this isn't happening (though mostly with point 3). Regarding funding, there is money and a set of researchers interested in such things, though usually they operate under the rubric of interest in the "internet". A look at some sociology journals, but especailly communication journals, would allow one to find such researchers. You might also look toward the literature on volunteering as an additional source. I would also hope that you would reconsider and try sending your paper to one of those journals (I would love to read a copy if it is available??).

Let me also clarify that I do not think it is the ultimate responsibility of CPDN to be the driving force behind such an effort. BOINC is the distributed computing paradigm here, and it's developers are responsible for examining the social science aspects (or at least finding a collaborator to do so). However, given Dr. Anderson's stated primary interest in the technical aspects of distributed computing (from his "Open Day" comments), I do not expect it to ever be addressed.

Finally, thanks for your response. It is nice to participate in a project where legitimate critique (and praise) fosters civil discussion.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Thread closed
Message 3766
Posted 10 Sep 2004 by old_user1607
sorry...double post
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Thread closed
Message 3732
Posted 10 Sep 2004 by old_user1607
I have said this before on the SETI boards, but it got no reply. Distributed computing has three components.

1. The actual scientific problem being addressed (at CPDN this would be the climate models).

2. The technical aspect of the computing (i.e., the computer science behind the projects).

3. The social aspect of distributed computing (why do people do it, who are they, who doesn't, how can they be motivated to do it, etc.)

While all of the projects that I have particpated in have displayed expertise in the first two, NONE of the projects has addressed the third component. SETI@Home's 'web poll' is an absolute joke by social science standards. While projects like predictor and LHC are new to the game (and thus have appropriately prioritized the first 2 components), one must question why no effort has been made by CPDN (and SETI for that matter) on the third component? If more attention had been given to this area, then I suspect that statements such as:

>Way back on the "original CPDN" we underestimated the "value" or importance of >"credits" since we assumed people would be more interested in the scientific >aspects, watching their earth model run etc. But of course we quickly found how >big "credits" are! And now with BOINC we can hopefully be able to cross-compare >credits on projects etc.

would be less common.
