Questions and Answers :
Preferences :
Screensave problem
(Message 35924)
Posted 15 Jan 2009 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Because Screensavers take any keystroke to stop. The way to make changes is to view the screen from the manager and then use the keys and set to the one you want to watch, which will come up as the screen saver, then. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Iceworlds & Slowdowns hadsm3/mh - Closed - Discussion
(Message 35802)
Posted 3 Jan 2009 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Look, for example, at the exemplary geophi: I\'m a careful Windows/Intel-only participant and I can\'t match that completion rate. Iain, you need to look at apples to apples, geophi runs one type of model, and that\'s all. A lot easier to keep stable. You run many different types of models. I have a pretty good completion rate on my Intels with the same models geophi does. I also have pretty good otherwise. I was here when there were several bad models that were distributed and there is a set of bad units all lumped together during that period. Some model types are a lot more stable than others. The shorter ones for example. The longer ones can have more reasons for failure. We are all doing our part for the project. Getting an iceworld is part of the experiment. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Can´t finish the WU
(Message 35799)
Posted 3 Jan 2009 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Dates do not matter on this project. Because BOINC forces them to use a deadline is the only reason there is a deadline. Keep it crunching. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Upgrade from 5.x to 6.2.18 lost previous work
(Message 35661)
Posted 8 Dec 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: If you have running task, you must upgrade (not remove and install new), in order for it to move the running files to the new folders. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
percent going backwards
(Message 35655)
Posted 6 Dec 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Good question... Climate Prediction Preferences under your account. |
Message boards :
Cafe CPDN :
Milestones Thread
(Message 35616)
Posted 29 Nov 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Just reached a significant milestone on CPDN, my current task has just passed 50% completion after 494 hours 40 minutes. Good feeling to hit the first one at more than 50%, etc. It\'s a long haul, but just think of the science you are helping. Great job! Keep them rolling. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
changing OS
(Message 35585)
Posted 24 Nov 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Copy off the complete BOINC folder(s) 5.x has all in a single folder 6.x has them in two different folders Install new OS (good idea to format and start over most of the time) Copy the files back to the same spots Install same BOINC 5.x or 6.x over the same directories If you are on 5.x and want to upgrade to 6.x, upgrade after the installs If you used a CD or DVD to copy the data off, remember to turn off the READ ONLY on the files and directories. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Kaspersky blew up one of my models
(Message 35515)
Posted 16 Nov 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: I personally have had very good luck with AVG. I was going to also look at Panda. I am using both Paid and Free versions. Both I like, but I am more happy with the paid. I was reviewing Panda on a recommendation from a couple of people who use them in their companies. Supposedly was a pretty good product and had some nice ratings. Of course this is all Windows. AVG has gotten some great reviews for many years, then I heard about some glitches in the later 7 and early 8 versions. I am still running a middle 7 version, though it screams for me to upgrade all the time. I am updating Defs only for a bit, until I am more sure about 8. I expect that all brands go througn some issues. I am still reviewing where to go. I have through the end of the year. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Kaspersky blew up one of my models
(Message 35508)
Posted 15 Nov 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: I personally have had very good luck with AVG. I was going to also look at Panda. |
Message boards :
Cafe CPDN :
Dumb questions
(Message 35411)
Posted 1 Nov 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Google now does a smart search. It is not memorizing anything anymore. To clear cached data like that for other sites, on FF you go to Tools and \"Clear Private Data\". On other browsers I forget, I think IE has it under Internet Options someplace. I don\'t use any others. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Zero status but no \'finished\' file
(Message 35248)
Posted 15 Oct 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Usually this is a non-issue. There are a few reasons that it can happen. Mostly it\'s because of the clock cycles either because of a time shift that seemed too far off normal (your machine may be set to auto adjust the time on a regular basis against a time server), etc. If it happens only once every so often and not constantly you are fine and nothing to worry about. |
Questions and Answers :
Wish list :
Different processor usage preferences for user working and user inactive modes
(Message 35124)
Posted 28 Sep 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Sorry, I thought I was on BOINC board already. I checked your link, and someone had made this suggestion last year, so I\'ll just leave it like that. Maybe it comes in next version. Thanks! Climate is a BOINC project, but does not write the BOINC code. They just write the application that runs in the BOINC code. The Websites and Master software are written by the BOINC team and they control the way the software works. |
Questions and Answers :
Wish list :
Different processor usage preferences for user working and user inactive modes
(Message 35121)
Posted 28 Sep 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: That would be a BOINC change, not a project. So you\'d be best making an account on the BOINC boards and making your request there. |
Questions and Answers :
Preferences :
completed but no new task
(Message 34963)
Posted 10 Sep 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: You are running other projects. The way BOINC works is a debt system and those other projects may need to have some debt repaid before you get a new CPDN task. It could take weeks. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
upgrade to boinc 6.2.16
(Message 34640)
Posted 15 Aug 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: I restart BOINC 6.2.16 by going to a command line (run as administrator under Vista) and type net start boinc and it works. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Credit from affiliated projects
(Message 34575)
Posted 9 Aug 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Correct, by design. They just add the credit from the Beta, etc. without influencing the RAC. |
Message boards :
Cafe CPDN :
Milestones Thread
(Message 34507)
Posted 5 Aug 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: In very bad Dr Evil\'s (from Austin Powers) voice... 1 Million Credits |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Loading an existing Task
(Message 34186)
Posted 29 Jun 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: There is no way to get missed tasks on CPDN. The servers sometimes hiccup on giving work and this will happen. We all have it. CPDN could turn the checking of lost units, but with the huge size it would not be very wise. This could cause their already overworked database to give more grief and no need for that. The work eventually gets done by someone. |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
(Message 34181)
Posted 29 Jun 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: The team has been trying to get the Beta2 credit moved to here, and its been a rough time. They will work out out. As others said, patience. |
Questions and Answers :
Windows :
Is my computer working uselessly?
(Message 33960)
Posted 31 May 2008 by Pooh Bear 27 Post: Frederic, Go to your account, and view the tasks. They all say they are \"Compute error\", which means the result crashed when working. These results on your computer should take a few months to finish, not the few minutes they are taking. You never get to a stage to even send back a trickle (a bit of data that shows the progress your result has done at a certain point in time). Your computer isn\'t crashing, but the result itself is. |
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