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Thread 'Just set up WinXp 64 pro'

Message boards : Number crunching : Just set up WinXp 64 pro
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Message 1315 - Posted: 20 Aug 2004, 7:08:52 UTC

Hi! I just set up WinXP 64 Pro on my PC. It\'s beta but i tried to start Boinc. t works because WinXP 64 seems to have a gerat emulator, but do i have a bit more performance even if i emulate 32 Bit client????
<img src="">
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Message 1321 - Posted: 20 Aug 2004, 11:08:15 UTC - in response to Message 1315.  

&gt; Hi! I just set up WinXP 64 Pro on my PC. It's beta but i tried to start Boinc.
&gt; t works because WinXP 64 seems to have a gerat emulator, but do i have a bit
&gt; more performance even if i emulate 32 Bit client????
&gt; <img src="">

I don't know, I wouldn't have thought so since it seems it has to do a bit of work to keep 32-bit emulation. I guess eventually we'll have 64-bit BOINC clients and apps. These models were always designed &amp; run on 64-bit machines (i.e. Cray) so perhaps they'll be more at home on them!
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Message 1337 - Posted: 20 Aug 2004, 15:03:13 UTC - in response to Message 1321.  

&gt; &gt; Hi! I just set up WinXP 64 Pro on my PC. It's beta but i tried to start
&gt; Boinc.
&gt; &gt; t works because WinXP 64 seems to have a gerat emulator, but do i have a
&gt; bit
&gt; &gt; more performance even if i emulate 32 Bit client????
&gt; &gt; <img src="">
&gt; I don't know, I wouldn't have thought so since it seems it has to do a bit of
&gt; work to keep 32-bit emulation. I guess eventually we'll have 64-bit BOINC
&gt; clients and apps. These models were always designed &amp; run on 64-bit
&gt; machines (i.e. Cray) so perhaps they'll be more at home on them!

Yeah it works, but have with Measured integer speed 4949.1 million ops/sec nearly the same performance as at 32 Bit!
<img src="">
ID: 1337 · Report as offensive     Reply Quote

Message boards : Number crunching : Just set up WinXp 64 pro
