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Thread 'Sulphur (Phase 2) question'

Message boards : Number crunching : Sulphur (Phase 2) question
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Message 16427 - Posted: 4 Oct 2005, 16:19:08 UTC

Looking at the results I\'ve been returning to the server, I noticed that the seconds per time slice (sec/TS) keep increasing. Is this normal? If so, does the RAC algorithm take the increased processing time into account?

Returned results for WU 463g_b00294796_0 :
04 Oct 2005 4.5437
03 Oct 2005 4.5359
03 Oct 2005 4.5163
02 Oct 2005 4.5008
01 Oct 2005 4.4924
01 Oct 2005 4.4890
30 Sep 2005 4.4885
29 Sep 2005 4.4897
29 Sep 2005 4.4925
28 Sep 2005 4.4944
28 Sep 2005 4.4845 (Phase 1)
27 Sep 2005 4.4755 (Phase 1)
26 Sep 2005 4.4653 (Phase 1)
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Message 16430 - Posted: 4 Oct 2005, 16:48:49 UTC - in response to Message 16427.  

Looking at the results I\'ve been returning to the server, I noticed that the seconds per time slice (sec/TS) keep increasing. Is this normal? If so, does the RAC algorithm take the increased processing time into account?

In my case, at the start of the phase a trickle took from 4.4392 to 4.0798. Ever since then, the time varies between 4.0675 and 4.1156 (mostly around 4.080). So I would say in my case sec/TS is not increasing

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John McLeod VII

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Message 16440 - Posted: 4 Oct 2005, 22:27:31 UTC

It depends a bit on the model being run. I believe that there are some fast processing (ice balls) that get much faster through the run. And there are others that git a bit slower.

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Message 16441 - Posted: 4 Oct 2005, 22:34:42 UTC

In the slab model, runs tended to get slower the hotter they got. Phase 2 should be pretty much the same annual mean temperature thoughout (same as phase 1). There usually is a little variation for trickles between summer and winter. Also a little more variation between phases than within phases has also been noticed before.

However averaging over 3 trickles I see your variation is from ~48000 sec per trickle to ~54000 sec per trickle which is more than 10%. That is more variation than I would have expected. However, it is not so much more that I would be sure that it is not just working as it should.

Other possible causes: Has there been increasing use of the system? Is the disk getting more fragmented?

CP gives exactly the same amount of credit per trickle regardless of how much processing it took. The variation is usually small between work units. I suspect that trying to use benchmarks to measure the amount of work done would introduce far larger errors than the current system.

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Message boards : Number crunching : Sulphur (Phase 2) question
