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Thread 'WINDOWS 64 BIT OS'

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Message 36098 - Posted: 8 Feb 2009, 6:07:54 UTC

Hi, Everyone:

I need some guidance from someone who knows more about this than I do. I am thinking seriously of buying a new laptop with the Windows 64bit Os installed. Before I do I need some clarification on whether I can continue to run the ClimatePrediction models on it.

I have read the “64 bit application” thread in Preferences. I understand that there is no 64 bit version of the models and probably won‘t be anytime in the near future. If I understand it right, it seems to say that it is possible to run 32 bit models on the 64 bit OS. Is this correct? Also do the 64 bit models download and install themselves the same way that the 32 bit models do?

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Message 36099 - Posted: 8 Feb 2009, 6:15:15 UTC

I run WinXP 64bit on my main PC and ran the 32bit version of BOINC on it just fine. But, to test out whether later versions of the had* applications would work on 64bit BOINC, I installed that. Low and behold, it has worked and I\'m currently running a hadam3 model on it now. So, you should be able to install either 32bit BOINC, or 64bit BOINC, and download and run all cpdn models. Of course the cpdn models are all 32bit so there is no advantage in to running 64bit BOINC, but if you are a multi-project cruncher, I believe there are a couple projects that do have 64bit apps.
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Message 36105 - Posted: 8 Feb 2009, 9:29:02 UTC

Yes, CPDN is running here under WinXP X64 SP2 and 32 bit BOINC on a Q6600. Obviously, CPDN will be running as a 32 bit application. WinXP X64 SP2 has been quite stable, with an occasional reboot to clear out IE hogging a core.
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Message 36111 - Posted: 8 Feb 2009, 19:39:24 UTC

I\'m currently running 64bit Vista Home Premium on one of my computers and it works just fine. Everything downloads the same as it does on my computer with a 32bit OS. You don\'t have to do anything special.
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Message 38526 - Posted: 13 Dec 2009, 20:52:53 UTC

Hi, everyone:

Recently my old 32 bit laptop with and single core 1.6 GHz processor (with 1 GB of RAM) packed it in and I replaced it with a new one with a Core2Dou T6600 processor(2.2 GHz with 4 GB’s of RAM 64 bit windows 7)

At first I had some apprehensions about going to the 64 bit version of Windows 7, but, these fears proved unfounded. ClimatePrediction runs beautifully on the new machine. Even when running 2 AM3P’s side by side I have cut the s/TS nearly in half, from 9.1 s/TS to 4.9 s/TS. The time required to finish an AM3P has gone from 170 hours on my old machine to 107 hours. I don’t know if it is just the faster processor or if the extra RAM plays a part in the speedup.

If anyone out there is considering a new machine or even just an upgrade of your existing one to Windows 7 you should give the
64 bit version a try. The project runs great on it.

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Message 38587 - Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 8:21:49 UTC

Having upgraded a bunch of number crunchers from XP (32 bit) to Windows 7 (64 bit), I can say they have behaved a lot better than I expected. My 32 bit apps continue to run fine. I have put a 64 bit version of BOINC on it and where possible 64 bit science apps.

Of the 4 projects I run at the moment there are only two 64 bit science apps. However they process work faster than the 32 bit versions (usually because they use integer maths). The other advantage is you can address a lot more memory. For my CPDN crunching machines I have 6Gb of memory, so they can have a number of work units running at the same time. With a 32 bit operating system you are restricted to a maximum of 4Gb of memory.
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Message 38588 - Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 13:03:11 UTC

Hi Mark

It looks as if you have three identical or almost identical i7s and you\'re running a small number of HadAM3P on each instead of a full load. With a full load of this model type they can slow each other down.

All the HadAM3P are doing about 2.8sec/TS (considerably faster than on my 6600 C2D which is what I\'d expect) except for host 1040294 where task 10756609 has slowed down a lot while task 10757090 is cracking along at the same good speed as on the other computers.

Perhaps someone who knows more than I do about how these machines work could comment.
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Message 38591 - Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 21:04:38 UTC - in response to Message 38588.  

.... except for host 1040294 where task 10756609 has slowed down a lot .....

The task trickle data shows it has slowed from about 2.98 s/TS at TS 17,280 to 6.8 s/TS at TS 20,160. The 17,280 trickle at the faster speed was at 25/12/2009 15:57. Fairly consistent 6.5 s/TS average (mean) since then.

With just two CPDN tasks maybe it is running other DC programs? From the data that CPDN shows I don\'t see an obvious reason. Maybe the CPU is in thermal speed control or BIOS \'inactivity\' speed control? It is just possible (although unlikely) that this s/TS speed change could be an initial indication of a hardware failure e.g. cpu or cache or memory or other. E.g. \'other\' hardware failures can produce multiple HW interrupts for the cpu to service, which can exhibit as slow cpu performance. Otherwise, perhaps a surfeit of Christmas mince pies?

A boinc/cpdn shutdown and system reboot would be a good idea and check the s/TS subsequently.

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Message boards : Number crunching : WINDOWS 64 BIT OS
